SambhaviPD / mygoodreads

A Django project utilizing HTMX wherever appropriate, that can be used as your personal version of Good Reads.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Missing initial templates for Step 4 of Django-htmx blog post #3

Open auphof opened 7 months ago

auphof commented 7 months ago

Firstly, thank you for a good subject on the blog post with good easy to follow style:

I have followed through step 4 and some minor issues, resolved with thinking and comparing with this repo managed to fix them. I am a relative NOOB to Django and definitely a NOOB to HTMX, so this is a great exercise, so am willing to contribute

After Step 4 I was not able to get a landing page like you display in the blog. The Step on setting up the templates seems to be missing, I was able to makemigrations and migrate but runserver generated errors of templates missing. Is there something I simply missed ?

To get it somewhat working, I copied this repo's templates had to remove some template lines for functions not yet implemented by step4 ie (HTMX) and adjusted adding

        'DIRS': [Path(BASE_DIR) / 'templates'],
SambhaviPD commented 7 months ago

@auphof - I now updated the blog with a section 3a where I explain about the templates and their corresponding code that will be required to bring up the landing page. Hope this helps bring up the landing page. let me know otherwise.

auphof commented 7 months ago

@SambhaviPD yes I can confirm brings up the landing page, I have some small adjustments to make work,

I used following scripts to create template structure

# Create the initial dir layout
# in the top level dir of the project run the following
mkdir -p mybookshelf/templates/{base,registration,book}
# create the initial template files
touch mybookshelf/templates/base/base.html \
    mybookshelf/templates/base/navbar.html \
    mybookshelf/templates/registration/login.html \
    mybookshelf/templates/registration/logout.html \
    mybookshelf/templates/registration/register.html \
# Now populate the files as following described in step 3a

and the following to retrieve static files from your repo

# Create the initial dir layout
mkdir -p mybookshelf/static/{css,js,images}

# Download the image from my repo
curl -L -o mybookshelf/static/images/bookshelf.png ""
# Download the main.css from my repo
curl -L -o mybookshelf/static/css/main.css ""

Then the paragraph and code for registration should have a filename image

the navbar.html needs to have the search removed as its not implemented yet. else i get the following error django.urls.exceptions.NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'search' not found. 'search' is not a valid view function or pattern name. doing the following changes fixed it and i get a landing page served. image

and lastly I used Path in defining TEMPLATES in as apposed to os.join. Following the django pattern and suppress another import 'DIRS': [Path(BASE_DIR) / 'templates'],

I am just traveling so hope to run through the remainder of your blog to implement the HTMX while inflight

SambhaviPD commented 7 months ago

@auphof - Thanks a lot for the finer points. I modified section 3a to reflect those (removing search link from navbar.html and to mention the name of register.html). Yep, I generally use PATH, not sure why I used os.join, anyways I just let it be.

When time permits, I shall follow the rest of steps myself in a new workspace and see if anything will be required in the blog. I'm guessing it will be towards the end 🙄 Feel free to add your observations too.