SamboyCoding / Cpp2IL

Work-in-progress tool to reverse unity's IL2CPP toolchain.
MIT License
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Failed to export DLL on PCBuildingSimulator2 #151

Open Sootie1776 opened 1 year ago

Sootie1776 commented 1 year ago

Similar issue to #53 but with UnityEngine.UI.Selectable

System.ArgumentException: Member 'UnityEngine.UI.Selectable' is declared in another module and needs to be imported

Used --just-give-me-dlls-asap-dammit, if I'm just being dumb let me know how to be less dumb thanks

[Info] [Program] Overall analysis success rate: 92% (37209) of 40388 methods.
[Info] [Program] Saving 1 assembly to F:\Games\Epic\PCBuildingSimulator2\cpp2il_out...
[Fail] [Program] Cpp2IL.Core.Exceptions.DllSaveException: Fatal Exception writing DLL F:\Games\Epic\PCBuildingSimulator2\cpp2il_out\Assembly-CSharp.dll
 ---> Cpp2IL.Core.Exceptions.InstructionWriteFailedException: Failed to write operand for instruction IL_0089: ldelem.any System.ValueTuple`2<UnityEngine.UI.Selectable,System.Boolean> due to an exception
 ---> Cpp2IL.Core.Exceptions.GenericInstanceWriteFailedException: Failed to write generic instance System.ValueTuple`2<UnityEngine.UI.Selectable,System.Boolean> due to an exception
 ---> System.ArgumentException: Member 'UnityEngine.UI.Selectable' is declared in another module and needs to be imported
   at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.LookupToken(IMetadataTokenProvider provider)
   at Mono.Cecil.SignatureWriter.WriteTypeSignature(TypeReference type)
   at DMD<Mono.Cecil.SignatureWriter::WriteGenericInstanceSignature>(SignatureWriter this, IGenericInstance instance)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at DMD<Mono.Cecil.SignatureWriter::WriteGenericInstanceSignature>(SignatureWriter this, IGenericInstance instance)
   at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.GetTypeSpecToken(TypeReference type)
   at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.LookupToken(IMetadataTokenProvider provider)
   at DMD<Mono.Cecil.Cil.CodeWriter::WriteOperand>(CodeWriter this, Instruction instruction)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at DMD<Mono.Cecil.Cil.CodeWriter::WriteOperand>(CodeWriter this, Instruction instruction)
   at Mono.Cecil.Cil.CodeWriter.WriteInstructions()
   at Mono.Cecil.Cil.CodeWriter.WriteResolvedMethodBody(MethodDefinition method)
   at Mono.Cecil.Cil.CodeWriter.WriteMethodBody(MethodDefinition method)
   at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddMethod(MethodDefinition method)
   at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddMethods(TypeDefinition type)
   at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddType(TypeDefinition type)
   at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddTypes()
   at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.BuildTypes()
   at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.BuildModule()
   at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.BuildMetadata()
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleWriter.Write(ModuleDefinition module, Disposable`1 stream, WriterParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleWriter.WriteModule(ModuleDefinition module, Disposable`1 stream, WriterParameters parameters)
   at Cpp2IL.Core.Cpp2IlApi.SaveAssemblies(String toWhere, List`1 assemblies)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Cpp2IL.Core.Cpp2IlApi.SaveAssemblies(String toWhere, List`1 assemblies)
   at Cpp2IL.Program.DoAnalysisForAssembly(String assemblyName, AnalysisLevel analysisLevel, String rootDir, BaseKeyFunctionAddresses keyFunctionAddresses, Boolean doIlToAsm, Boolean parallel, Boolean continueThroughErrors, Boolean skipDumps)
   at Cpp2IL.Program.MainWithArgs(Cpp2IlRuntimeArgs runtimeArgs)
   at Cpp2IL.Program.Main(String[] args)
SamboyCoding commented 1 year ago

Yeah unfortunately you've run in to the core reason why I wanted to switch away from Mono.Cecil, and as a result had to rewrite the project (because the current one relies way too much on Cecil) - it's really difficult to fully import an arbitrarily-complex type reference.

Theoretically I could actually do a brute-force port of the existing Cpp2IL to AsmResolver without the rewrite, and maybe I will end up doing so just to fix these sorts of issues, but that will also take time which is not something I have much of right now. Will leave this issue open for now though, if that's ok with you.