SamboyCoding / Cpp2IL

Work-in-progress tool to reverse unity's IL2CPP toolchain.
MIT License
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Fatal Exception initializing LibCpp2IL! (SummonersWarChronicles) #217

Closed lonebug11 closed 1 year ago

lonebug11 commented 1 year ago

===Cpp2IL by Samboy063=== A Tool to Reverse Unity's "il2cpp" Build Process.

[Info] [Program] Running on Win32NT [Info] [Program] Determined game's unity version to be 2020.3.33 [Info] [Library] Initializing Metadata... [Info] [Library] Using actual IL2CPP Metadata version 27,1 [Info] [Library] Initialized Metadata in 1714ms [Info] [Library] Searching Binary for Required Data... [Fail] [Program]

Cpp2IL.Core.Exceptions.LibCpp2ILInitializationException: Fatal Exception initializing LibCpp2IL!
 ---> System.Exception: Failed to find pCodegenModules
   at LibCpp2IL.BinarySearcher.FindCodeRegistrationPost2019()
   at LibCpp2IL.Il2CppBinary.PlusSearch(Int32 methodCount, Int32 typeDefinitionsCount)
   at LibCpp2IL.LibCpp2IlMain.Initialize(Byte[] binaryBytes, Byte[] metadataBytes, Int32[] unityVersion)
   at LibCpp2IL.LibCpp2IlMain.LoadFromFile(String pePath, String metadataPath, Int32[] unityVersion)
   at Cpp2IL.Core.Cpp2IlApi.InitializeLibCpp2Il(String assemblyPath, String metadataPath, Int32[] unityVersion, Boolean allowUserToInputAddresses)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Cpp2IL.Core.Cpp2IlApi.InitializeLibCpp2Il(String assemblyPath, String metadataPath, Int32[] unityVersion, Boolean allowUserToInputAddresses)
   at Cpp2IL.Program.MainWithArgs(Cpp2IlRuntimeArgs runtimeArgs)
   at Cpp2IL.Program.Main(String[] args)

Waiting for you to press enter - feel free to copy the error...

Not sure why this is happening, is there anything I can do to help you fix this error?

SamboyCoding commented 1 year ago

Can you try with the latest nightly version, either from github actions or

lonebug11 commented 1 year ago

Can you try with the latest nightly version, either from github actions or

I saw the earlier issue and tried with the nightly version;

But no success

SamboyCoding commented 1 year ago


Sorry, I'm just getting around to this issue, and all versions of this game I can find have encrypted metadata files. Even if you can decrypt them, it's likely that they've also made modifications to the binary file layout, which is why this isn't working.