Samfox2 / homebridge-videodoorbell

Video-Doorbell plugin based on homebridge-camera-ffmpeg for Homebridge.
Apache License 2.0
95 stars 17 forks source link

Video No Longer Working #66

Open spiderguy84 opened 3 years ago

spiderguy84 commented 3 years ago

All was working well, until I realized my August Doorbell Cam Pro kept changing its IP address. So I went into DHCP reservations and set a static IP address for it. After rebooting it, it no longer will stream the camera. I opened the august app and confirmed it is still there and I can view the feed there, and made sure in AirPort Utility that the IP was what I expected it to be. The snapshot never loads in Home, and the window eventually says No Response. Here is the console log:

`[8/21/2020, 10:46:35 AM] [Config] Homebridge restart request received [8/21/2020, 10:46:35 AM] [Config] UI / Bridge settings have not changed; only restarting Homebridge process [8/21/2020, 10:46:35 AM] [HB Supervisor] Sending SIGTERM to Homebridge [8/21/2020, 10:46:35 AM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge... [8/21/2020, 10:46:35 AM] [Video-doorbell] ERROR: FFmpeg exited with code 1 [8/21/2020, 10:46:40 AM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Process Ended. Code: 143, Signal: null [8/21/2020, 10:46:45 AM] [HB Supervisor] Restarting Homebridge... [8/21/2020, 10:46:45 AM] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I -P /homebridge/node_modules [8/21/2020, 10:46:45 AM] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.1.2 with PID: 2107 [8/21/2020, 10:46:45 AM] Loaded config.json with 0 accessories and 2 platforms. [8/21/2020, 10:46:45 AM] --- [8/21/2020, 10:46:46 AM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-dummy@0.4.1 [8/21/2020, 10:46:46 AM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-dummy.DummySwitch' [8/21/2020, 10:46:46 AM] --- [8/21/2020, 10:46:46 AM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-config-ui-x@4.26.0 [8/21/2020, 10:46:46 AM] Registering platform 'homebridge-config-ui-x.config' [8/21/2020, 10:46:46 AM] --- [8/21/2020, 10:46:46 AM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-videodoorbell@0.2.9 [8/21/2020, 10:46:46 AM] Registering platform 'homebridge-videodoorbell.Video-doorbell' [8/21/2020, 10:46:46 AM] --- [8/21/2020, 10:46:46 AM] Loading 2 platforms... [8/21/2020, 10:46:46 AM] [Config] Initializing config platform... [8/21/2020, 10:46:46 AM] [Config] Running in Service Mode [8/21/2020, 10:46:46 AM] [Video-doorbell] Initializing Video-doorbell platform... [8/21/2020, 10:46:47 AM] [Video-doorbell] Video-doorbell Doorbell is listening on port 5005 [8/21/2020, 10:46:47 AM] Doorbell is running on port 44882. [8/21/2020, 10:46:47 AM] Please add [Doorbell] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 031-45-154 Setup Payload: X-HM://0023ISYWY6JM3 Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

│ 031-45-154 │     

[8/21/2020, 10:46:47 AM] Homebridge is running on port 52015. [8/21/2020, 10:48:42 AM] [Video-doorbell] Snapshot from Doorbell at 1280x720 ffmpeg -skip_frame nokey -i rtsp://admin:admin@ -frames:v 1 -t 1 -s 1280x720 -f image2 - [8/21/2020, 10:49:43 AM] [Video-doorbell] Start streaming video from Doorbell with 1280x720@299kBit ffmpeg -re -i rtsp://admin:admin@ -map 0:0 -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 30 -f rawvideo -tune zerolatency -b:v 299k -bufsize 299k -maxrate 299k -payload_type 99 -ssrc 10303356 -f rtp -srtp_out_suite AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 -srtp_out_params 8yJewhJz3zWq3rmOmtw/7l3M2Ca6bMwCWqtUlzbX srtp:// [8/21/2020, 10:50:13 AM] [Video-doorbell] ERROR: FFmpeg exited with code 1 `

Here is my config:

{ "bridge": { "name": "Homebridge BCC7", "username": "0E:5D:7C:44:BC:C7", "port": 52015, "pin": "031-45-154" }, "accessories": [], "platforms": [ { "name": "Config", "port": 8080, "platform": "config" }, { "name": "Video-doorbell", "cameras": [ { "name": "Doorbell", "button": true, "motion": true, "throttle": 10000, "videoConfig": { "source": "-re -i rtsp://admin:admin@", "stillImageSource": "-skip_frame nokey -i rtsp://admin:admin@ -frames:v 1", "maxStreams": 10, "maxWidth": 1280, "maxHeight": 960, "maxFPS": 30, "maxBitrate": 300, "vcodec": "libx264", "packetSize": 1316, "vflip": false, "hflip": false, "audio": false, "debug": true }, "manufacturer": "August", "model": "Doorbell Cam Pro", "serialNumber": "D2GTQ0014W", "firmwareRevision": "2.3.0-VULRC21+202001161454" } ], "platform": "Video-doorbell" } ] }

spiderguy84 commented 3 years ago

I realized @Samfox2 that if I removed the DHCP reservation, it started working again. So, what is going on and how can I keep it working whilst also keeping the IP the same?

UPDATE: NOPE. It went back to crashing FFMPEG error code 1 when I try to view it again, even without DHCP reservation. Any thoughts @mikeknoop and @dikodahan ?