SamitPoojary / FASTPAGES

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Week of 03/20 Review Ticket #33

Open SamitPoojary opened 1 year ago

SamitPoojary commented 1 year ago

Graded Akshat to 0.3 individual score

Group Links

Here is our idea presentation

Here is our scrum board.

Individual Role

As the Scrum master, it is my duty to be collecting everyone's tangibles and keeping our scrum board up to date. I am also responsible for notifying either Mr. Yeung or Mr. Mort about any obstacles our group may be facing.

Pair-Trio Grade

I will be working with Ederick, who is responsible for the database aspect of the game simulation, as my primary co-programmer. He must know how the simulation works so that he can create a database with relevant data. As for me, knowing how the database operates and what attributes I'm working with helps me to know how to code the environment for our gaming simulation.

Plans to Finish Personal CPT Project

My current plan is to modify my code and implement UPDATE and DELETE functions to my project, but I may just decide to start anew on a new project and work through it throughout the trimester. Here is my CPT outline thus far, however, in case I do end up deciding on modifying and touching up that one.

Individual Work This Week

Time and Space Complexity Work

Here is my blog on the lesson.

Big Idea 2 Quiz Reflection

Here is my reflection on the Big Idea 2 Quiz, which I only scored 88% on.

My Commits

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