SamitPoojary / FASTPAGES

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Project Check #6 #44

Open SamitPoojary opened 1 year ago

SamitPoojary commented 1 year ago

Our Plan - TEAM SAM

Project Members: Samit Poojary, Martin Nguyen, Akshat Parikh

Music Playlist Manager

Project Purpose/Description: Build a web application for managing and organizing music playlists.

Key Technical Plans:

Scrum Board

We plan on using Mr. Mort's leuck-reunion site as a template for our own frontend, and then plan on using flask for our backend.

Individual Objectives:

Martin & Akshat - Develop user profile system. Each user should be mandated to log in or sign up for their own account, from which they can only then access the features of the full site.

Samit - Develop the actual features of the site and implement CRUD to store music in databases. Develop shuffle and search and other sorting methods as well so that user can view data however they would like to.