SammitBadodekar / Blabstr

A 1:1 twitter clone
37 stars 8 forks source link

Database #31

Open Rtrudel88 opened 1 year ago

Rtrudel88 commented 1 year ago

Curious but is it possible to use this as a template and use my own database? Im all self taught and still learning.

SammitBadodekar commented 1 year ago

yes it is possible to use Blabstr with your own database

all you need is , fork/clone this repo then

npm install 

Create a file called .env inside that file paste this with your own credentials

DATABASE_URL= <your database URL>

GOOGLE_ID = <your Google cloud id >
GOOGLE_SECRET = <your Google cloud secret >

NEXTAUTH_URL = http://localhost:3000
NEXTAUTH_SECRET = <any random password >

UPLOADTHING_SECRET=<Your uploadthing secret > 
UPLOADTHING_APP_ID=<Your uploadthing app ID > 
// optional , if you want to upload image/video then only required

PUSHER_APP_ID=<Your pusher_app_id > 
PUSHER_APP_KEY=<Your pusher_app_key > 
PUSHER_APP_SECRET=<Your pusher_app_secret > 
// optional , if you want to use chat/communities then only required
AdelEddarai commented 9 months ago

it would be better of u use supabase

youngtiger1 commented 6 months ago

Why I created env contains this DATABASE_URL= mysql:// but when I sign up it still say email exist I think maybe database is not well configured please help me I'm new in typescript, next.js