Sammy1Am / Moppy2

The evolution of the Musical flOPPY controller
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need help on moppy 2 #137

Open Zgarner28 opened 3 years ago

Zgarner28 commented 3 years ago

well what does work if the floppy drive and the power supply and the microcontroller. but the problem happen when I open the moppy file in Arduino I don't get the moppyconfig.h page. I don't know what I'm doing wrong I need as much help as you can give please and thank you Screenshot 2021-05-26 131323

Sammy1Am commented 3 years ago

What are you trying to change in MoppyConfig.h? If you're just going for a basic setup, you shouldn't need to change anything.

If you do need to edit anything, MoppyConfig.h is in the src directory. Just don't try to open it in the Arduino IDE, I think it might do some weird stuff if you do.

Zgarner28 commented 3 years ago

then this pops up when i try to up load it Screenshot 2021-05-29 191348

alastaira commented 3 years ago

then this pops up when i try to up load it

That's what it's meant to look like. The message tells you where to find the sources files, if that's what you're looking for, but there's no need to change them.

Sammy1Am commented 3 years ago

Ah, sorry I missed this somehow, but thanks, @alastaira , that's correct. Everything looks good, you should be able to just press the upload button to upload it to the Arduino.

Zgarner28 commented 3 years ago

I trued up loading it nothing happens I got it working once then never again and the last time I got working the red code at the bottom of the screen, it wasn't there and actually worked so I'm thinking that the red code is an error

Zgarner28 commented 3 years ago

I feel like I don't know what I'm doing

Zgarner28 commented 3 years ago

It don't help a video of uploading and downloading it to the Arduino and getting it all set up would be nice like a step by step video the one by the person who make the program don't really help because how don't show how to do all the file set up if you know what I'm trying to say @Sammy1Am

Sammy1Am commented 3 years ago

The red text isn't an "error" per se, it's just a warning; compilation still succeeded, and uploading would likely also be successful. However, that red text should not be showing up in the files downloaded from the releases page (by default, EasyDriver shouldn't be getting loaded). Give these steps a shot:

  1. Delete the whole Moppy2Microcontroller-2.1.0 folder.
  2. Download the release again from here.
  3. Unzip into a folder somewhere.
  4. Open Moppy2-Arduino.ino.
  5. Click "Upload".

That's it.

There's really only one step in the Arduino IDE which is "press upload"; so I feel like a video of a button being pressed would be uselessly short. On the other hand, there's a whole mess of issues that you could run into using the Arduino IDE; but there's not really a way to make a video covering all of them, and most of them are answered on Google anyway.

Zgarner28 commented 3 years ago


Sammy1Am commented 3 years ago

Ah, I was mistaken. My Arduino IDE had compiler warnings set to "None" so I wasn't seeing those warnings. I see them now, but they're still just warnings and don't interfere with compilation.

What happens when you press the "Upload" button?

Zgarner28 commented 3 years ago

it uploads and i press the button on the uno and it does nothing i know the pinout is right because its the same as i had the last time. i know all the hardware works

Sammy1Am commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure what else to tell you; the code hasn't changed since you got it working the first time, so something locally must have.

Zgarner28 commented 2 years ago


Zgarner28 commented 2 years ago

To be honest I don't think it's working on the software donde on my part

Sammy1Am commented 2 years ago

Not sure what else to tell you. It worked once for you, so unless you've made changes on your end, there's no reason I can think of for it to stop working outside of hardware issues.

Likewise, if it worked once and you haven't changed any of the connections, it's not like those would change. And if you can manually advance the floppy drive head, then the floppy drive is fine.