Sammy1Am / Moppy2

The evolution of the Musical flOPPY controller
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Issue with MoppyControlGUI #210

Open yarfw opened 2 months ago

yarfw commented 2 months ago

image image image pls help

Sammy1Am commented 2 months ago

Huh, well, this will be the first time I've recommended trying this, but: maybe try an older version of Java? But not much older, just maybe try 21.

The error is deep inside the JRE libraries / graalvm, so it's not something directly in Moppy, but it's possible something has changed / updated that broke since the code was written (or since version 22 is less than a month old, could be a bug?)

yarfw commented 2 months ago

Huh, well, this will be the first time I've recommended trying this, but: maybe try an older version of Java? But not much older, just maybe try 21.

The error is deep inside the JRE libraries / graalvm, so it's not something directly in Moppy, but it's possible something has changed / updated that broke since the code was written (or since version 22 is less than a month old, could be a bug?)

it worked! thank you, sam.

Sammy1Am commented 2 months ago

Glad it worked!

I'm actually going to re-open this just in case this is some sort of Moppy/Java22 compatibility thing so it can be looked into. If it's a Java22 bug, it might be fixed (or go away in 23 later this year), but otherwise Moppy might need an update.