SammyK / LaravelFacebookSdk

Fully unit tested Facebook SDK v5 integration for Laravel & Lumen
MIT License
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Avoid users to login all the time with tokens #176

Open Astriel opened 7 years ago

Astriel commented 7 years ago

Hello everyone.

I integrated the Facebook Laravel PHP SDK on my platform.

I want to achieve the following : Let the user connects himself on our platform, and then from the backend, import his facebook pages. I managed to have the list with a request to the API, the problem is that the user needs to login all the time back on the dashboard with Facebook to have the list of his pages, which means I won't be able to get data unless he login all the time.

Do you know if there is a solution to "maintain" a connection directly to Facebook ? Is this possible to reach that goal without forcing the customer to "login" on the whole platform with Facebook ?

Thanks in adavance for the tips !