The Brilliant Obelisk doesn't seem to work with Enchancement's reworked enchanting table. While it does emit particles like its supposed to, it doesn't count towards the enchanting tables bookshelf count at all, basically becoming purely decorational.
Vanilla Enchanting Table, without any obelisks (or bookshelves)
Vanilla Enchanting Table, with 3 brilliant obelisks surrounding it.
Reworked Enchanting Table, with AND without the 3 obelisks.
Reworked Enchanting Table, using bookshelves instead.
The Brilliant Obelisk doesn't seem to work with Enchancement's reworked enchanting table. While it does emit particles like its supposed to, it doesn't count towards the enchanting tables bookshelf count at all, basically becoming purely decorational.
Vanilla Enchanting Table, without any obelisks (or bookshelves)
Vanilla Enchanting Table, with 3 brilliant obelisks surrounding it.
Reworked Enchanting Table, with AND without the 3 obelisks.
Reworked Enchanting Table, using bookshelves instead.