Samourai-Wallet / samourai-wallet-android

Bitcoin Wallet strongly focused on privacy when transacting on the bitcoin network
The Unlicense
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App keeps reusing P2PKH change addresses #381

Closed Mikadily closed 4 years ago

Mikadily commented 4 years ago

About every second time when doing a tx to P2PKH type of address the change address is the one that has already been used, therefore leaking privacy. Stonewall on.

This is my address view when importing seed with Electrum after been using it with Samurai wallet for some time: 2020-01-17_10-40

SamouraiDev commented 4 years ago

We have been unable to replicate this. Can you provide additional details?

Mikadily commented 4 years ago

It seems that it stopped from happening since 1 month ago, I can't replicate it anymore.