Samourai-Wallet / samourai-wallet-android

Bitcoin Wallet strongly focused on privacy when transacting on the bitcoin network
The Unlicense
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[Feature Request] Offline Sign #411

Open andretrevisani opened 4 years ago

andretrevisani commented 4 years ago

I use Samourai Wallet in offline mode. I can receive BTC using Sentinel, but I cannot spend this newly received UTXO, since the offline Samourai Wallet does not have any info of that. The only way I found out is to bring it online to resync, then offline again (kind of beats the purpose of it).

It would be great if I could create an unsigned transaction on the Sentinel wallet (since it has all the info needed), and send it to be signed on the offline Samourai (using QR-code).

It would actually make an offline Samourai Wallet a kind of "hardware wallet", isolated by airgap.

dmytroleonenko commented 2 years ago

This PSBT way will also allow to sign with a HW wallet that supports PSBT natively or through the HWI