Samourai-Wallet / samourai-wallet-android

Bitcoin Wallet strongly focused on privacy when transacting on the bitcoin network
The Unlicense
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Crash on start (after pin) #426

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

The app started to crash after the pin imput.

I have send some BTC into whirlpool, and next day the app started to crash.


Is it safe to clear data and recover from backup? (With BTC in whirpool in unknown state?

bboot commented 2 years ago

I have reproduced this error. Broadcast a transaction, wait for the pending transaction to show in the GUI, then go to the utxo list, click on the change utxo for the just broadcast transaction, which has partially blank information, add a comment, and try to change the spendable flag. It crashes Samourai, and Samourai continues to crash after that, every time after you enter the pin.