Samourai-Wallet / samourai-wallet-android

Bitcoin Wallet strongly focused on privacy when transacting on the bitcoin network
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Scramble PIN setting resets every time you login to wallet #436

Closed HarryTheHorse closed 3 years ago

HarryTheHorse commented 3 years ago

After setting up my wallet, heading to settings I disable Scramble PIN and close the wallet. It remembers the choice to disable Scrambling only 1 time.

Reloading the wallet and the PIN is not scrambled, I enter pin and head to settings menu and the scramble PIN option is now enabled automatically.

Can you fix the Scramble PIN setting so that it remembers that I have disabled the scrambling PIN? Having it reset this setting every time I launch the wallet it frustrating to say the least. It's imperative that I don't have scrambled numbers, I rely on patterns not numbers to remember my PIN and scrambling my PIN leads me close to lockout every single time.

HarryTheHorse commented 3 years ago

As of 24th May this issue is no longer replicating. Closing