Samourai-Wallet / samourai-wallet-android

Bitcoin Wallet strongly focused on privacy when transacting on the bitcoin network
The Unlicense
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samourai wallet not seeing address balance #443

Closed petjal closed 2 years ago

petjal commented 2 years ago

Great wallet. Thanks for your service to the community. Testing things. Created a paper wallet, bip39 12 seed words, no BIP39 Passphrase, and a receiving bip84/bip173 HD segwit bech32 bc1q... address. (Did I say that all correct?) From my main android phone, Samourai wallet, sent 1961 sats to my bec32 address. Mainnet. Went fine. Miner fee 314 sats. On I can see 336 confirmations at the moment CONFIRMED RECEIVED 1 output (0.00001647 BTC) CONFIRMED UNSPENT 1 output (0.00001647 BTC) 2 inputs, 4 outputs. All good. On my old offline-ish android phone (might become my cool storage), I installed Samourai 0.99.97a, created a wallet, entered the 12 seed words, and after a day or so, the balance is still zero. Double-checked the Samourai wallet 12 seed words, they're fine. On the same old phone, I installed bluewallet and blockstream green, and both show the balance fine.
Rebooted phone, turned tor on/off, no change. What do you think? Maybe I need to flip a setting somewhere? I plan to just reinstall Samourai on the old phone, but will wait to see if you need any info from it. No rush, no worries, low priority. Thanks again.

petjal commented 2 years ago

sending to you can close this issue, unless it's a bug I guess