When using the Trezor wallet to show the xpub, sentinel can scan and import these. The balance is shown only for the non-segwit legacy accounts. The scanned xpubs from the new segwit wallets do not show any transactions on the sentinel app. I think you probably know this but did not see an open issue so created one.
We have a new version of Sentinel due out tomorrow or the day after. It handles Trezor and Ledger Segwit XPUBs (BIP49). We are doing final testing and UI tweaks now.
When using the Trezor wallet to show the xpub, sentinel can scan and import these. The balance is shown only for the non-segwit legacy accounts. The scanned xpubs from the new segwit wallets do not show any transactions on the sentinel app. I think you probably know this but did not see an open issue so created one.