Samraksh / eMote

eMote OS -- Multiple Ports (using .NET MF v4.3)
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RTC: Upstream STM32F4 RTC support #429

Open MichaelAtSamraksh opened 7 years ago

MichaelAtSamraksh commented 7 years ago

FYI, Eclo Solutions is working on NetMF Azure IoT solutions for the SIM800H hardware from SIMCOM.

A developer submitted to upstream an attempt at RTC integration for STM32F4 that is being integrated today. Since we're now using the RTC ourselves, one could compare code if there is something to glean from it (like their PAL integration.) please see:

(I am subscribed to the netmf github repository and the RTC merge was at the top of my GitHub newsfeed.)

Nathan-Stohs commented 7 years ago

Took a glance. I don't see anything of interest, mostly boilerplate but good for future reference. Note in particular that the RTC integration mentioned here is actually with the wall-clock / calendar PAL in MF. Meaning its not integrated into the precision timer system or used as a tick source for the OS.

(Stating the obvious for future readers: we use the STM32F1 and this refers to the STM32F4, but they are similar enough to us).

MichaelAtSamraksh commented 7 years ago

Scheduling and time stamping during long-running experiments might benefit from using the RTC for date time.