Added the LineTraceByChannel(Niagara) function in the LIB_F_Trace blueprint.
The LineTraceByChannel(Niagara) function can be called from LIB_F_Trace. It does not have a manager to handle.
This function visualizes LineTraceByChannel's debug draw. It is more expensive performance than the normal's linetrace visualizer.
It also acts differently when the player is moving comparing to the normal's linetrace debug draw.
If the Debug Draw Type is "None", it acts as same as the normal linetrace and it doesn't affect performance.
M_Trace_Hit is material file. NS_Linetrace is Niagara System. NS_Linetrace is used to visualize a LineTrace in DRG.
Added the LineTraceByChannel(Niagara) function in the LIB_F_Trace blueprint.
The LineTraceByChannel(Niagara) function can be called from LIB_F_Trace. It does not have a manager to handle. This function visualizes LineTraceByChannel's debug draw. It is more expensive performance than the normal's linetrace visualizer. It also acts differently when the player is moving comparing to the normal's linetrace debug draw.
If the Debug Draw Type is "None", it acts as same as the normal linetrace and it doesn't affect performance.
M_Trace_Hit is material file. NS_Linetrace is Niagara System. NS_Linetrace is used to visualize a LineTrace in DRG.