SamsTheNerd / HexGloop

A very gloopy hex casting addon
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
4 stars 8 forks source link

Hexgloop breaks impetuses #59

Open Ch1216 opened 3 months ago

Ch1216 commented 3 months ago

With hexgloop installed, when you try to break any kind of impetus, whether player placed or recently made, it will enter a glitched state, In this state the player will never be able to get back the impetus

if broken in survival it will appear back, kind of how blocks appear back when mined in a laggy server, if it is right clicked in the glitched state it will disappear with no item drop, if the world is reloaded it will also disappear, leaving a shadow behind

if broken in creative it will disappear, but if any other block, impetus or not is placed, the impetus will reappear where it was broken, if broken again it will appear again without needing to place a block, kind of like survival, the only way to make it disappear for good is to place a block where the impetus is