SamsaraDevs / samsaraJunk

In which someone makes a class-based mod by copy/pasting the ZDoom Wiki into a single .pk3 and people seem to like it.
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Compromise between global Duke sounds and volume. #33

Closed TerminusEst13 closed 11 years ago

TerminusEst13 commented 11 years ago

While the global explosion sounds are true to Duke 3D, people have complained endlessly about them. Pussies. Still, there's two ways to go about "fixing" it in a way without defeating the purpose of having them.

1: Make two sounds. One being a normal sound on death, and at the same time an A_PlaySoundEx with a global attenuation with a much softer amplification. This may be good for the Devastators. 2: Give the pipebombs a different soundbyte, and limit the amount of sounds played for the Pipebomb's explosion to 1, since they seem to be the main perpetrators.