SamsaraDevs / samsaraJunk

In which someone makes a class-based mod by copy/pasting the ZDoom Wiki into a single .pk3 and people seem to like it.
16 stars 7 forks source link

Additional ideas for cvars: #55

Open TerminusEst13 opened 11 years ago

TerminusEst13 commented 11 years ago

Put any and all suggestions/possibilities/whatevers here so we can see it, roll our eyes, then cry about how the ZDoom crowd will never get to play with it.

TerminusEst13 commented 11 years ago

There was a samsara_noghosts cvar suggested, but I couldn't get it to work across different iwads. Pres broke it up into samsara_nodoomghosts, samsara_nohereticghosts, samsara_nohexenghosts, samsara_nostrifeghosts, etc.

tehvappy50 commented 10 years ago

samsara_shotgunammo (or something like that) to start with full slot 2 ammo (similar to samsara_chainsawstart 2, except used for sv_shotgunstart which is a boolean so it doesn't appear to go to 2).

TerminusEst13 commented 10 years ago

samsara_cl(?)_noq3announcer - For people who don't want to hear QUAD DAMAGE, INVISIBILITY, REGENERATION, or etc.

tehvappy50 commented 10 years ago

samsara_noautoactivatequad - Upon picking up a VII as Ranger, the quad is not automatically used, behaving more like PC Quake 2.

a1337spy commented 10 years ago

samsara_banslot1-6 - If an admin doesn't want a certain weapon on the server, this command will outright remove the weapon from the map and it (if possible) will be replaced by the ammo that said banned slot uses. E.G. samsara_banslot3 will ban slot 3 weapons and replaced them with slot 2 ammo, samsara_banslot4 will ban slot 4 weapons and replace them with slot 1 ammo, and so on and so forth.

TerminusEst13 commented 10 years ago

samsara_deathdropsult - Removes the VII on Death, so that people can't just spam it endlessly and death carries some weight.

tehvappy50 commented 10 years ago

samsara(cl)wolffire - Enables the classic firing behavior of clicking for each shot for the knife/pistol/rocket launcher/spears. Still having a hard time on whether it should be clientsided or not.

Also, I think a better name for the deathdropsult cvar would be samsara_loseultondeath.

EDIT 2/11/2014: Changed from classicwolffire to wolffire.

tehvappy50 commented 10 years ago

samsara_cl_fullscreenmug - Places a mugshot by the health/armor bars in the fullscreen hud, like in the very old versions of the mod.

a1337spy commented 10 years ago

samsara_cl_hqdoomsounds - Enables the HQ weapon sounds for Doomguy.

a1337spy commented 10 years ago

samsara_allcanitems - allows heretic and hexen items to be picked up by other classes

a1337spy commented 10 years ago


tehvappy50 commented 10 years ago

samsara_cl_itemtrails - Items will leave behind trails, again like in very old versions of the mod (if I recall).

tehvappy50 commented 10 years ago

samsara_permatome - Essentially samsara_permaquad for Corvus. 0 allows tomes of power to be consumed upon use a la Heretic. No cooldown. Allows players to carry up to 16 tomes. 1 uses the current tome system.

PresidentPeople commented 10 years ago

Samsara_Allmap: Replaces Slot III pickups with allmaps. Mainly for Doom 1.

PresidentPeople commented 10 years ago

Expanded options for Samsara_AllCanRJ:

1) The current functionality. All heroes' Slot Vs can be jumped with, but they can all hurt the shooter.
2) Slot Vs that don't normally hurt the shooter (Chexter, BJ, Parias) retain this trait, but can still be jumped with.
3) All heroes are immune to their Slot Vs' explosion. SO flies to the moon.

tehvappy50 commented 10 years ago

samsara_mjolnirammo - Mjolnir uses ammo. Pretty self-explanatory.

UntitledsTakenNOOOO commented 10 years ago

samsara_alldamage and samsara_alldefense - pretty self-explanatory, allows you to adjust all 8 heroes damage/defense values instead of having to do each separately.

tehvappy50 commented 10 years ago

samsara_cl_m1weapons - Changes SO's weapons to their Marathon 1 counterparts.

tehvappy50 commented 10 years ago

samsara_forcecustomgravity - A replacement for samsara_nocustomgravity. 0 does nothing, 1 forces idtech1 gravity for everyone, 2 forces Marathon gravity, 3 forces Quake gravity.

tehvappy50 commented 9 years ago

samsara_nocorvusbombs - Takes the bomb items away from Corvus. Mainly for those people that hate people using said items in competitive games and whatnot.