Closed felislynx-silae closed 6 years ago
Hi @felislynx-silae . Converted gvr-events to use your code and do this from onInit:
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
frameLayout = new FrameLayout(gvrContext.getActivity());
View.inflate(gvrContext.getActivity(), R.layout.activity_main, frameLayout);
frameLayout.getLayoutParams().width = 750;
frameLayout.getLayoutParams().height = 300;
GVRViewSceneObject sceneObject = new GVRViewSceneObject(gvrContext, frameLayout, gvrContext.createQuad(1.5f, 1f));
It worked as expected for me. Do you notice any suspicious logcat messages?
@liaxim what tag i should look at?
I've runned app in developer mode and those are only "not ordinary outputs"
07-16 17:51:55.512 7733-7785/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug W/gvrf: GVRActivity::leaveVrMode: ignored, have not entered vrMode
07-16 17:51:55.970 7733-7808/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug W/VRSurfaceManager: VRSurfaceManager : setFrontBuffer
07-16 17:51:58.913 7733-7785/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug E/GVRShaderTemplate: SHADER: generated shader #1 GVRTextureShader$a_texcoord
07-16 17:51:58.918 7733-7785/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug E/GVRShaderTemplate: SHADER: generated shader #2 GVRTextureShader$u_texture-#a_texcoord#
07-16 17:51:58.923 7733-7785/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug E/GVRShaderTemplate: SHADER: generated shader #3 GVROESShader
By the way: Gradle dependencies implementation 'org.gearvrf:framework:4.0.0' implementation 'org.gearvrf:3DCursorLibrary:4.0.0' implementation 'org.gearvrf:backend_oculus:4.0.0'
Can you try 4.0.1-SNAPSHOT instead of 4.0.0?
Sure, it'll take a while. 4.0.1 have more breaking changes to my code. I'll update you ASAP
If you are going through all the trouble to migrate, it is better to migrate to 4.0.1.
@liaxim I've made all changes but last thing that prevents me from run and check if views are visible:
Execution failed for task ':app:transformNativeLibsWithMergeJniLibsForEvryplaceOculusDebug'.
> More than one file was found with OS independent path 'lib/armeabi-v7a/'
Add the following packaging options:
packagingOptions {
pickFirst 'lib/*/'
It works :) I can see my view. Do you recommend some demo to look at new way to implement cursor events? CursorActivationListener, CursorActivationListener are missing now so i believe they are replaced by new API
You could look at gvr-controller.
Thank you very much. I hope it'll work with Oculus GO too ;)
@liaxim Is it allowed to change mainScene or in 4.0.1 this will not work
@felislynx-silae Still works
I've get this exception after changing scene and using assetloader to load android resource (background photosphere)
07-17 13:06:16.292 31134-31297/? A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2, fault addr 0x76c1f80a in tid 31297 (GLThread 5775)
07-17 13:06:16.519 32740-32740/? A/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Build fingerprint: 'samsung/zerofltexx/zeroflte:7.0/NRD90M/G920FXXU6ERD1:user/release-keys'
Revision: '11'
ABI: 'arm'
pid: 31134, tid: 31297, name: GLThread 5775 >>> pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug <<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2 (SEGV_ACCERR), fault addr 0x76c1f80a
r0 b7444000 r1 76c1f80a r2 00000010 r3 00000000
r4 ef7b5008 r5 cabd86e8 r6 cabd86f8 r7 cabd8b30
07-17 13:06:16.520 32740-32740/? A/DEBUG: r8 cabd871c r9 cabd8704 sl cabd8b20 fp 00000000
ip cd422c38 sp cabd8588 lr cbc2b460 pc ef73f610 cpsr 000f0010
07-17 13:06:16.538 32740-32740/? A/DEBUG: backtrace:
07-17 13:06:16.539 32740-32740/? A/DEBUG: #00 pc 00017610 /system/lib/ (memcpy+156)
#01 pc 0032845c /system/vendor/lib/egl/
#02 pc 003287e8 /system/vendor/lib/egl/
#03 pc 0066a210 /system/vendor/lib/egl/
#04 pc 0068957c /system/vendor/lib/egl/
#05 pc 0068abd4 /system/vendor/lib/egl/
#06 pc 00677634 /system/vendor/lib/egl/
#07 pc 00678200 /system/vendor/lib/egl/
#08 pc 00608090 /system/vendor/lib/egl/ (glCompressedTexImage2D+156)
#09 pc 001271c9 /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN3gvr13GLBitmapImage16updateFromMemoryEi+180)
#10 pc 00126f57 /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN3gvr13GLBitmapImage6updateEi+66)
#11 pc 001218c5 /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN3gvr5Image14checkForUpdateEi+36)
07-17 13:06:16.540 32740-32740/? A/DEBUG: #12 pc 00147703 /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN3gvr7Texture7isReadyEv+18)
#13 pc 00137bb7 /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN3gvr10ShaderData9updateGPUEPNS_8RendererEPNS_10RenderDataE+46)
#14 pc 00134c59 /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN3gvr10RenderPass7isValidEPNS_8RendererERKNS_11RenderStateEPNS_10RenderDataE+70)
#15 pc 00141f1f /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN3gvr10RenderData7isValidEPNS_8RendererERKNS_11RenderStateE+110)
#16 pc 001226f7 /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN3gvr8Renderer13addRenderDataEPNS_10RenderDataERNS_11RenderStateERNSt6__ndk16vectorIS2_NS5_9allocatorIS2_EEEE+30)
#17 pc 001227dd /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN3gvr8Renderer19occlusion_cull_initERNS_11RenderStateERNSt6__ndk16vectorIPNS_11SceneObjectENS3_9allocatorIS6_EEEEPNS4_IPNS_10RenderDataENS7_ISC_EEEE+164)
#18 pc 00120a9f /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN3gvr10GLRenderer14occlusion_cullERNS_11RenderStateERNSt6__ndk16vectorIPNS_11SceneObjectENS3_9allocatorIS6_EEEEPNS4_IPNS_10RenderDataENS7_ISC_EEEE+38)
#19 pc 0012265d /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN3gvr8Renderer14cullFromCameraEPNS_5SceneEP8_jobjectPNS_6CameraEPNS_13ShaderManagerEPNSt6__ndk16vectorIPNS_10RenderDataENS9_9allocatorISC_EEEEb+792)
#20 pc 00142a45 /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN3gvr12RenderTarget14cullFromCameraEPNS_5SceneEP8_jobjectPNS_6CameraEPNS_8RendererEPNS_13ShaderManagerE+40)
#21 pc 00143149 /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/lib/arm/ (Java_org_gearvrf_NativeRenderTarget_cullFromCamera+88)
#22 pc 01331ce1 /data/app/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug-2/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0x1218000)
Also i hve more detailes crashlog (700 lines of native exception)
Interesting thing is that if i dont call this to setup background sphere in first scene, call in second sphere results in loading background. If i go back to first scene and call this, it results in black texture. (Or if i call it on first scene and then on second, second one have black texture). Third call on third scene causes crash of GL thread
val texture =
gvrContext.assetLoader.loadTexture(GVRAndroidResource(gvrContext, "phl.astc"))
sphere.renderData.material.mainTexture = textureLeft
@liaxim i've made change, that on one single scene if i click a button, new texture is loaded for sphere (i'm rotating 3 different images). Results -> Initial launch (without texture) white background 1click -> proper texture 2click -> after a while second texture is loading 3click -> background is black 4click -> background is black 5click -> sometimes texture is loaded 6click -> black background
In most cases, after first click, asset loader stops loading properly any textures. If i do this after changing a scene asset loader causes crashes described above
Another insight: after modifying code to load 4 sphere textures inside Main onInit (before setting main scene), i can swap texture and it works correctly. This breaks functionality of downloading assets from web and setting them as background. I think that on 4.0.1 there might be something with assetloader
@felislynx-silae Will look into it. It will be quicker if you could share some sample app that reproduces the problems.
Sure, i'm extracting necessary code right now
@liaxim Murphy's law. Very very simple code, works o_O. (develop) This is simplified version which doesn't inflate all layouts, do network calls. But workflow, threading is the same. (code is copy pasted so it is not different from main app) I'll add more code until i'll recreate issue. Damn murphy's laws.
There are two different crashes in the logs. It is clear that invalid memory access is occurring. Switching the scenes leads to dangling pointers left around somewhere.
What is the memory usage of your app? When you switch the scene do you keep references to the previous scene? In other words, do you think a lot of garbage collection goes on?
I don't think so. On 3.2 we could use app for 40 minutes without any issues :) also with spherical videos. Before spike of network there is Menu -> Loader and after spike Loader -> Presentation
@liaxim second crash from txt file is present only on 4.0.1 (JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: input is not valid Modified UTF-8: illegal start byte 0xaa). This is happening while saving Retrofit body to a file (astc file is compressed texture). On 3.2 no problems, on 4.0.1 some spheres are causing this issue :). I've read that this might be due to 32/64 libs. But no good solution to avoid this. Right now i've patchworked around this.
val fileReader: ByteArray? = ByteArray(4096)
inputStream = body.byteStream()
outputStream = FileOutputStream(targetFile, append)
while (true) {
val read = inputStream?.read(fileReader) ?: -1 //<-- this line is causing crash
if (read == -1) {
outputStream.write(fileReader, 0, read)
Tried to reproduce your problem by frequently changing the main scene and adding photospheres using background threads. No luck.
The UTF-8 error I believe is a symptom of memory corruption actually. It happens while accessing the filename associated with a GVRImage. It looks to me a bad pointer to a BitmapImage is being used. The format doesn't matter when it comes to the filename.
Do some of the images you load from the network take long time? Like tens of seconds.
Some of them may take a long time, but GVRImage is not used until file is saved. method above must have provide callback to scene, that it is safe to use an image. It wasn't a problem before :). Would it help if i would provide obfuscated APK where the problem occurs?
It might. Send it to
@liaxim i've forgot about one thing... OSIG
When i get "Texture X loaded from cache" black screen occurs:
07-20 08:39:45.754 18713-18713/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug V/ASSET: loadTexture phl.astc
loadTexture phr.astc
07-20 08:39:45.755 18713-19008/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug V/ASSET: Texture: phl.astc loaded from cache
07-20 08:39:45.757 18713-19003/pl.fream.evryplacevr.gearvr.evr.debug V/ASSET: Texture: phr.astc loaded from cache
I've updated github project, bug is reproducible on S6. it depends how many different textures i'll load.
The particular crash in the latest GearBugSample is a problem in our Java/C++ objects lifecycle management. It looks to be raised in GVRCursorController.setScene which reacts to main scene changes.
You could easily work around it by not switching the scenes. I am looking at it but have no meaningful progress.
Have a fix for you. Wouldn't be surprised it is not the only one you need.
@liaxim do you think this will also fix the black texture issue from my commit: 4a0d519e9493b1ba630081cc957492b1580796d0? I've reproduced it 2 times ;) one time with switching scenes and commit before (the one with hash above) without, just switching textures (but loading many different textures, not just swapping 2).
@felislynx-silae No. Will check it out.
Checked the latest GearBugSample.
There is a reference to 3.JPG when the file is named p3.JPG. Also phl.astc and phr.astc do not seem to be valid ASTC-compressed files.
I've used with this command astcenc -c ./phl.jpg ./phr.astc 6x6 -medium I'm correcting 3.JPG and i'll try again to reproduce
@liaxim i can confirm, that using JPG's works. It is strange that ASTC is not working now on new lib. On previous version using those ASTC's gave us enormous performance boost.
Decoding to jpeg with the Mali tools failed for me with possible corruption error. Also the astc file is surprisingly large. If you include the jpg's too in the repo I will try encoding them also. We will get astc working if there is a problem.
@liaxim Pushed to github. Until this is somehow resolved i've switched my development version to JPG's to finish up upgrading. Production version is using ASTC (with 3.2 framework)
It doesn't look to be an inherent problem in our compressed images support. More like an issue with the Image/Texture classes in the scenario your app exercises.
Traced it to a problem with the texture parameters. We have a mIsCompressed flag that looks to be reset (or never set) correctly whenever the texture is created again and again for the same image. We cache the so called images but not the so called texture objects.
@felislynx-silae fixes your problem.
@felislynx-silae Fix has been merged. Snapshots updated too. Please try again.
@liaxim i've checked latest snapshot:
W/System.err: at Method)
at org.gearvrf.utility.MarkingFileInputStream.<init>(
at org.gearvrf.GVRAndroidResource.openStream(
at org.gearvrf.GVRAndroidResource.getCompressedLoader(
at org.gearvrf.asynchronous.GVRAsynchronousResourceLoader$
at org.gearvrf.utility.Threads$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
@felislynx-silae Could you please provide further details? Are you getting a FileNotFoundException?
Hi :) Finally i'm migrating from old framework to new one. After migrating, old code that was showing Android Views is not working. Code in 3.2
Code in 4.0
In 3.2 i could see android view and it was working. In 4.0 i don't see this view. I've checked in debugger that view is created, inflated, but scene looks empty. Did i missed something during migration for GVRViewSceneObject?