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[one-cmds] Support command schema for one-codegen #12886

Closed mhs4670go closed 3 months ago

mhs4670go commented 5 months ago


Let's support a command schema feature for one-codegen.


When we write a one-codegen section in the configuration file, below keys are required.

# only one backend
command=-O onecc_048.tvn

# for multi-backend
dummy=-o onecc_054.tvn
dummyV2=-O onecc_054.2.tvn

Then, onecc internally calls the backend driver as if running the below commands in the bash. And, these work well.

$ ${backend}-compile ${command}
# For example, above first section will be called like below.
# dummyV2-compile -O onecc_048.tvn

But, actually, this kind of style doesn't match a bit with the styles of the other one-cmds tools. It would be like below if we make it get matched.

# command=-O onecc_048.tvn

So, what I'm trying to achieve in this issue is to give a chance to match the style to the backend users. Moreover, it would be easier for the backend tools to collaborate with the other one-cmds tools later.

mhs4670go commented 5 months ago


How to support this feature? I'm thinking of a schema file for the command. Each backend users who want to use this feature write a schema about their arguments of the backend driver. Then, onecc would refer to that schema file and run the configuration file accordingly.

There are two things we need to decide - where and schema format.


There are few options.

  1. Under the same directory with the driver
  2. /usr/share/one/command/

I prefer the latter.


Let's investigate and cover it in the following comments.

Backward probability

Running order

One concern is how to apply this feature with currently supporting keys in the one-codegen section - backend, command, backends.

I decided to follow the steps.

  1. Check if there is schema file.
  2. If it exist, onecc run the backend tools only according to that schema file.
  3. If it doesn't exist, run the backend tools as normal.

Configuration file spec

If a schema file is introduced, backend key can't be used anymore because some backend driver happen to have options named backend or command. So, for the backward compatibility, I think we need to introduce new spec for the configuration file.

The change looks like below. If one-codegen in the onecc section has string values rather than the boolean one, they are the names for the backend tools. And, only these backend tools - written in the onecc section - will be checked if they has a schema file for the command.


# ..
# ..


mhs4670go commented 5 months ago

Schema format

Python argument parser

This method is to have backend users write a function that returns the argument parser.

# /usr/share/one/command/
def command_schema():
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        help="provide a path to .circle model.",

        help="provide a path to .tvn model.",

  return parser

Then, onecc calls get the argument parser from above function and check if the keys in the configuration are valid. It is convenient but users have to write a python script who only use c++ in the tools.


description=provide a path to .circle model.

description=provide a path to .tvn model.

json or yaml

  "input": {
    "description": "provide a path to .circle model.",
    "type": "string"
  "output": {
    "description": "provide a path to .tvn model.",
    "type": "string"
  "DSP_quota": {
    "type": "string"
  "required": [ "DSP_quota" ]
  "positional": [ "input", "output" ]
mhs4670go commented 5 months ago

@ejjeong @parjong @Samsung/one_compiler Please feel free to give me an opinion for this feature.

ejjeong commented 5 months ago

Question about the motivation

Just out of curiosity, may I ask why you want do it “now”? :) I ask this because I wonder if it’s somehow related to the recent backend target expansion.

Question about the scope

Do you target only codegen? (If so, may I ask why? 😃) Or do you plan to expand it into e.g. profile and infer?

Question about the details

TBH I think I don't fully understand your suggestion yet 😢

IIUC, in the scenario you suggested, there should be two schemas and a converter as below. But I failed to find the corresponding modules in the above description 😢

  1. schema1 that describes “onecc cfg interface”
    • input
    • output
    • DSP_quota (an underscore btw DSP and quota)
    • Otraffic
    • ...
  2. schema2 that describes “backend cli interface”
    • no input (positional argument)
    • --output
    • --DSP-quota (a hyphen btw DSP and quota)
    • -Otraffic (single hyphen)
    • ...
  3. Some rules that convert the option w/ schema1 into the option w/ schema2

It’d be helpful for me to understand what you suggest if you could provide a sample of a schema file for an "existing" onecc tool, e.g. “onecc quantize” command. AFAIK the python one-quantize is responsible for MANUALLY filling such subtle gaps between schema1 and schema2 (i.e., onecc quantize vs circle-quantize). I also wonder how to manage such a tool for onecc codegen for each backend (i.e., onecc codegen vs ${backend}-compile)

Please feel free to correct me if I understand something wrong!

mhs4670go commented 4 months ago


Just out of curiosity, may I ask why you want do it “now”? :)

No specific reason. As you said, I thought that it would be more convenient to support upcoming(?) target configuration feature with this command schema feature.

Do you target only codegen?

I thought so in the first place. But, it would be better to think of such expansion as well when designing the detail.

TBH I think I don't fully understand your suggestion yet

It should be only one schema that users have to make.

Let me show you the example with the case that you worried about.

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

args = parser.parse_args()

Then, command line can be like below.

$ python -o ${OUTPUT} --DSP-quota ${QUOTA} -Otraffic ${INPUT}

Of course there are some corner case where the commands of the backend driver can't match the argparse features. But, I don't think we should fully support such cases.

ejjeong commented 4 months ago

Well, I think I'm still missing something :)

Q1: Who's responsible for converting the former (user input) into the latter (arguments)? Q2: And how? 🤔

AFAIK the python wrappers like one-quantize are responsible for this MANUAL conversion. Do you expect the backend tools (i.e., ${backend}-compile) to maintain such an adapter? :) (FYI I'm not saying we should never do it. I just want to know what you're thinking 😄)

User Input


Expected arguments for the backend

-o onecc_048.tvn --DSP-quota 64K -Otraffic

But, I don't think we should fully support such cases.

Q3: If what you suggested is possible, is it possible to remove all python wrappers like one-quantize and leave only the schema file?

mhs4670go commented 4 months ago

@ejjeong I leave the answers for the history.

Who's responsible for converting the former (user input) into the latter (arguments)?

It is onecc. It converts the user inputs to the backend tool's commands according to the given command schema.

And how?

This is a pseudo code that I'm thinking about. Accessing the _action attribute is a bit hack though. We can implement a custom action instead, which force users to give action keyword argument to the add_argumnet api.

import ArgShcemaClass # schema file

k_to_v = cfgparser.parse('llama.cfg')
parser = ArgSchemaClass.get_argparser()

command = []
for action for parser._actions:
  # action.dest -> Otraffic, DSP-qutoa, etc
  # action.option_string -> -Otraffic, --DSP-quota 
  value_from_user = k_to_v[action.dest]
  command += [action.option_string, value_from_user]

run('tv2-compile' + command)

is it possible to remove all python wrappers like one-quantize and leave only the schema file?

Technically speaking it is possible. But, we won't. Because, AFAIK, one-cmds tools has been introduced for the two purpose.

  1. To have a unified driver name.
  2. To only expose options that we want to expose.