Samsung / SamsungAutomationStudio

Samsung Automation Studio is to provide development tools and execution environment that can easily configure application logic by connecting both Samsung service and 3rd party service. This project is to share the node for open source NodeRED developed by Samsung Automation Studio team to the community. If you are using nodered, you can easily install the node we provide. And you can use Samsung's IoT and AI-related services more easily, and you can have an extended experience in conjunction with your own services.
Apache License 2.0
56 stars 29 forks source link

Access to Custom Attributes and Commands #32

Closed oldironUK closed 2 years ago

oldironUK commented 3 years ago

I have a device listed within my Smartthings webpage showing:

Capabilities: (eg Battery, Energy Meter, etc) also it lists: Custom Attributes: (eg reservePercent, reserve_pending, solarPower, etc) and: Custom Commands: (eg setBackupReservePercent, setBackupOnlyMode, etc)

I can successfully access the list of Capabilities in the SamsungAutomationStudio Node Red app but not the Custom Attributes or Custom Commands

How can I access/set these custom parameters?

Prior to finding this app I could also access by a direct Node Red function call using API access:

msg.headers = {} msg.method = "GET" msg.url = "{deviceID}/status"; msg.headers['content-type'] = "application/json" msg.headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer {my_Smartthings_PAT_token}" return msg;

Perhaps in the interim there is a version of this that could access the Custom commands??

Thanks in advance

iamjaehun commented 2 years ago

If you can access custom capabilities by calling the Smartthings API(/v1/devices/{deviceID}/status), you can also access them from the Status node. This is because the Status node also uses the API to query the device status.

oldironUK commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your help