Samsung / SamsungAutomationStudio

Samsung Automation Studio is to provide development tools and execution environment that can easily configure application logic by connecting both Samsung service and 3rd party service. This project is to share the node for open source NodeRED developed by Samsung Automation Studio team to the community. If you are using nodered, you can easily install the node we provide. And you can use Samsung's IoT and AI-related services more easily, and you can have an extended experience in conjunction with your own services.
Apache License 2.0
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Project still Alive ? #65

Closed guny74 closed 1 year ago

guny74 commented 1 year ago


Question: Is this Project still alive ? I also send an Email to the adress mentioned at the start page, but no answer ?!

Regards Thorsten

hojoon22-lee commented 1 year ago

Yes, This project is still alive. What's matter with you?

guny74 commented 1 year ago

I sent an email asking for help for smarttag and scopes as suggested, at 16 Oktober an did not get an reply and there are now other updates at the version and the "issues". So what ist the best way to get help ? The Email contact (see startpage)or open an issue here ?

hojoon22-lee commented 1 year ago

I couldn't find a mail you sent. Can you describe here?

guny74 commented 1 year ago


I have an own Node red (3.0.2) Instance and want to use your nodes for samsung smarthings (1.1.12) .

  1. Is there any documentation about the scopes I have to set to my PAT ?

  2. I want to get informations about my smarttag+ which I registered to my smartthings, but all element are "null" ...any solution ?

  3. I also want to see my samsung active 2 clock and my s10 smartphone under devices, but there are not in the list ? Any idea ?

Thank you for your help.

hojoon22-lee commented 1 year ago


If you get PAT for smarttings node(My Device), click personal access token pages' of Properties page., then log in with Samsung account you are using smartthings. And then you can create PAT for smartthings. If PAT is right and then you can see your devices list on your account. Here is Guide of the Samsung Smartthings. st-pat

guny74 commented 1 year ago


my PAT ist correct and I see my devices..e.g. smarttag or wasching maschine.

  1. Smartphone and my "samsung active 2 watch" is not on the list Why ?
  2. Requesting the status of the smart tag. all elements/attributes e.g. geolocation are null. Why ?
hojoon22-lee commented 1 year ago

Hi Here is for Samsung Automation Studio that is to provide development tools and execution environment but not Samsung Smartthings. Samsung Smartthings specifics are beyond our scopes. About Samsung SmartThings you can get more information and support here.

For #1 question : I have no idea the reason. You can verify your device list on Samsung SmartThings.( For #2 question : I could find about the information you asked.

guny74 commented 1 year ago


hope there is no missunderstanding, in Smarthing everthing is ok.... but accessing this over node-red nodes are the problem... and for the washing mashine from Smartthing I could access over your nodes.... but the smarthone I do not see and the smarttag+ I see, but all attributes via nod-red nodes are null..

hojoon22-lee commented 1 year ago

Node-RED node for Samsung SmartThings uses SmartThings API. If you can't see your device in the SmartThings, 'List Devices' API(Get ) doesn't response. You can check with cURL on your computer. ( curl -X GET '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ') About the samrttag+ is referred here.

guny74 commented 1 year ago

Ok, thank you, then it is API Problem....