Samsung / SamsungAutomationStudio

Samsung Automation Studio is to provide development tools and execution environment that can easily configure application logic by connecting both Samsung service and 3rd party service. This project is to share the node for open source NodeRED developed by Samsung Automation Studio team to the community. If you are using nodered, you can easily install the node we provide. And you can use Samsung's IoT and AI-related services more easily, and you can have an extended experience in conjunction with your own services.
Apache License 2.0
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I just upgraded to 1.1.0 and receiving several errors from nodes #7

Closed Mavrrick closed 3 years ago

Mavrrick commented 3 years ago

Working fine with 1.0.16. Upgraded to 1.1.0 and a few things occurred.

PAT for some reason failed ton continue to work. I had to generate a new token and add to all devices again.

Then the "installed-device" nodes were generating a error when being redeployed.

"TypeError: Promise.allSettled is not a function"

I have a node to check status and when it is activated with a inject it is generating this error.

"Invalid property or argument value, Cannot read property 'type' of null"

I went back and recreated one of my automations with a endpoint and the Device Profile nodes appear to be creating the same error as the installed device-profile node.

Then when the endpoint is also generating the same error when then event node is called as the status node above.

These were all working prior to the upgrade to 1.1.0 from 1.0.16.

lslomczynski commented 3 years ago

Hello! I nad the same thing with my set-up.

As for the "TypeError: Promise.allSettled is not a function" - I discovered that this function was not available in my Node.js 10.X. I've updated to node 14.X and the problem was gone :-)

As for the "Invalid property or argument value, Cannot read property 'type' of null" - I had this error after reading status of my AC Windfree device. This error was generated by Homekit node from NRCHKB which was also recently updated. I've tracked down that HeaterCooler type device throws this error while passing CurrentHeater-CoolerState and TargetHeater-CoolerState values while AC was OFF. Although I didn't try it with AC ON as at this time of year we have 6 degrees of C outside :-) Maybe it is the same or similar case on your side?

Regards, Lucas

dplaya-min commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much for lslomczynski's comment. I apologize for any inconvenience. It seems that the error occurred because we always used the latest version of Node.js. Team will be careful with the Node version when using Promise. Team will develop the issues that need to be corrected after reviewing. Thank you again.

gaggi commented 3 years ago

I also just updated to Version 1.1.0 and get the "Invalid property or argument value, Cannot read property 'type' of null" error on the status nodes for my dryer and fridge. Had to roll back to 1.0.16 and comment out line 577 to get rid of the nasty warning in the debug window every time i request the status nodes.