Samsung / Tizen.CircularUI

Tizen Wearable CircularUI project is to develop an open source software motivate software developer to creating Tizen Wearable Xamarin Forms app more easily and efficiently.
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No transition when navigating inside a CircularShell #338

Closed Reffyy closed 4 years ago

Reffyy commented 4 years ago

I've just integrated the CircularShell component into my application and it's all great except that when navigating (using Navigation.PushAsync/PopAsync), the typical page transition no longer happens. Issue doesn't occur when using a NavigationPage instead of the CircularShell as the MainPage.

Is there any workaround for this? I've tried a few things, but no result yet.

Thanks in advance!

Reffyy commented 4 years ago

So, this can be worked around by wrapping the contents ShellContent in a NavigationPage. This doesn't seem right, but it at least works for now. The back button obviously doesn't work properly in this scenario, but I'll try to find a workaround for that, too.


            <ShellContent Route="home">
                        <local:IntroPage />
myroot commented 4 years ago

Hi, We not implement Push/Pop animation on Shell to improve launching time performance. We can consider implementing Push/Pop animation on next release

Alternatively You can make animation yourself with Behavior

    public class PageAnimationBehavior : Behavior<Page>
        bool _reEnter = false;
        protected override void OnAttachedTo(Page page)
            page.Appearing += OnAppearing;

        protected override void OnDetachingFrom(Page page)
            page.Appearing -= OnAppearing;

        void OnAppearing(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var page = sender as Page;

            page.Opacity = 0;
            // It is workaround code, When page was popped and pushed, a native evas object handle was deleted and created,
            // and it consume many cpu time, so animation was not smoothly working. so i add a wating time with BeginInvokeOnMainThread
            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                if (_reEnter)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        var ani = new Animation((rate) =>
                            page.Scale = 2.0 - rate;
                            page.Opacity = rate;
                        ani.Commit(page, "appearing", length: 100);
                    _reEnter = true;
                    var ani = new Animation((rate) =>
                        page.Scale = 0.3 + 0.7 * rate;
                        page.Opacity = rate;
                    ani.Commit(page, "appearing", length: 100);