Samsung / TizenRT

TizenRT is a lightweight RTOS-based platform to support low-end IoT devices
Apache License 2.0
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os/include/tinyara/security_hal.h: Change the order of internal API of sec_ops_s #6254

Closed jylee9613 closed 2 weeks ago

jylee9613 commented 2 weeks ago

Issue: Secure hardfault while booting

[rtl_readdecrypt_factorykey] Exit form here!arm_prefetchabort: Prefetch abort. PC: 00000000 IFAR: 00000000 IFSR: 00000008
security level: 1

Cause: sec_ops_s of security_ameba_wrapper_tz.c and security_hal.h are not matched. Solve: Move GCM APIs to the end of sec_ops_s