So we converted to the template form which they stipulate in order to use that option.
(They recommend "--template" option in place of "--src")
Accordingly, if you want to create the cordova project for sample apps,
first, you have to check the cordova version ( requires 'cordova >= 6.0.0' ).
If the version is under than @6.0.0, you have to upgrade the cordova version.
In other words, when you create the project, follow under steps.
step 1. check the cordova version
$ cordova -version
step 2. if 'cordova < v6.0.0',
$ npm install -g cordova
else, go to the step 3.
step 3. create project using "--template" option. (you can use "--src" option, not recommanded)
$ cordova create sampleApp --template=cordova-plugin-toast/sample/media
Case 1.
< 'cordova > v6.0.0' >
probably you will see the error message as below if you use "--src" option.
⇒ This error is not serious but we recommand to use "--template" option.
Case 2.
< 'cordova < v6.0.0' >
probably it will not be used as you intend if you use "--src" option,
because we converted to the template form which cordova stipulate.
⇒ Please update to latest cordova version.
Case 3.
< 'cordova < v6.0.0' >
probably it will not be used as you intend if you use "--template" option, because not supported.
⇒ Please update to latest cordova version.
I notify about change points related to the "create cordova project with template".
When you create the cordova project for sample apps, untill now, we recommand the option, "--src".
But, after cordova v6.x.x, the cordova guide related to this, was changed. (Refer the related content under url) 「 」
So we converted to the template form which they stipulate in order to use that option. (They recommend "--template" option in place of "--src")
Accordingly, if you want to create the cordova project for sample apps, first, you have to check the cordova version ( requires 'cordova >= 6.0.0' ).
If the version is under than @6.0.0, you have to upgrade the cordova version.
In other words, when you create the project, follow under steps.
「The reference url : 」
Related Issues.
Case 1. < 'cordova > v6.0.0' > probably you will see the error message as below if you use "--src" option. ⇒ This error is not serious but we recommand to use "--template" option.
Case 2. < 'cordova < v6.0.0' > probably it will not be used as you intend if you use "--src" option, because we converted to the template form which cordova stipulate. ⇒ Please update to latest cordova version.
Case 3. < 'cordova < v6.0.0' > probably it will not be used as you intend if you use "--template" option, because not supported. ⇒ Please update to latest cordova version.