Samsung / jalangi2

Dynamic analysis framework for JavaScript
Apache License 2.0
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Problem when instrumenting a code that connects to a mongodb database #176

Open soufianos01 opened 2 years ago

soufianos01 commented 2 years ago

Hi, while trying to test jalangi on a code that connects to a mongodb database, I get the following error: SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^(?<protocol>[^/]+):\/\/(?:(?<username>[^:@]*)(?::(?<password>[^@]*))?@)?(?<hosts>(?!:)[^/?@]*)(?<rest>.*)/: Invalid group (12:21)

I created a sample project to reproduce the error, which can be found here:

I use webpack and babel to transpile the code to ES5, and I feed jalangi with a simple analysis to be found in analysis2.js in the root of the project. Running the bundled file is working, but running the jalangi analysis on it results in the following error:

Failed to instrument "use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.CommaAndColonSeparatedRecord = exports.ConnectionString = exports.redactConnectionString = void 0;       
const whatwg_url_1 = require("whatwg-url");
const redact_1 = require("./redact");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "redactConnectionString", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return redact_1.redactConnectionString; } });
const DUMMY_HOSTNAME = '__this_is_a_placeholder__';
function connectionStringHasValidScheme(connectionString) {
    return (connectionString.startsWith('mongodb://') ||
const HOSTS_REGEX = /^(?<protocol>[^/]+):\/\/(?:(?<username>[^:@]*)(?::(?<password>[^@]*))?@)?(?<hosts>(?!:)[^/?@]*)(?<rest>.*)/;
class CaseInsensitiveMap extends Map {
    delete(name) {
        return super.delete(this._normalizeKey(name));
    get(name) {
        return super.get(this._normalizeKey(name));
    has(name) {
        return super.has(this._normalizeKey(name));
    set(name, value) {
        return super.set(this._normalizeKey(name), value);
    _normalizeKey(name) {
        name = `${name}`;
        for (const key of this.keys()) {
            if (key.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) {
                name = key;
        return name;
function caseInsenstiveURLSearchParams(Ctor) {
    return class CaseInsenstiveURLSearchParams extends Ctor {
        append(name, value) {
            return super.append(this._normalizeKey(name), value);
        delete(name) {
            return super.delete(this._normalizeKey(name));
        get(name) {
            return super.get(this._normalizeKey(name));
        getAll(name) {
            return super.getAll(this._normalizeKey(name));
        has(name) {
            return super.has(this._normalizeKey(name));
        set(name, value) {
            return super.set(this._normalizeKey(name), value);
        keys() {
            return super.keys();
        values() {
            return super.values();
        entries() {
            return super.entries();
        [Symbol.iterator]() {
            return super[Symbol.iterator]();
        _normalizeKey(name) {
            return, name);
class URLWithoutHost extends whatwg_url_1.URL {
class MongoParseError extends Error {
    get name() {
        return 'MongoParseError';
class ConnectionString extends URLWithoutHost {
    constructor(uri, options = {}) {
        var _a;
        const { looseValidation } = options;
        if (!looseValidation && !connectionStringHasValidScheme(uri)) {
            throw new MongoParseError('Invalid scheme, expected connection string to start with "mongodb://" or "mongodb+srv://"');
        const match = uri.match(HOSTS_REGEX);
        if (!match) {
            throw new MongoParseError(`Invalid connection string "${uri}"`);
        const { protocol, username, password, hosts, rest } = (_a = match.groups) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a 
: {};
        if (!looseValidation) {
            if (!protocol || !hosts) {
                throw new MongoParseError(`Protocol and host list are required in "${uri}"`);
            try {
                decodeURIComponent(username !== null && username !== void 0 ? username : '');
                decodeURIComponent(password !== null && password !== void 0 ? password : '');
            catch (err) {
                throw new MongoParseError(err.message);
            const illegalCharacters = /[:/?#[\]@]/gi;
            if (username === null || username === void 0 ? void 0 : username.match(illegalCharacters)) {
                throw new MongoParseError(`Username contains unescaped characters ${username}`);
            if (!username || !password) {
                const uriWithoutProtocol = uri.replace(`${protocol}://`, '');
                if (uriWithoutProtocol.startsWith('@') || uriWithoutProtocol.startsWith(':')) {
                    throw new MongoParseError('URI contained empty userinfo section');
            if (password === null || password === void 0 ? void 0 : password.match(illegalCharacters)) {
                throw new MongoParseError('Password contains unescaped characters');
        let authString = '';
        if (typeof username === 'string')
            authString += username;
        if (typeof password === 'string')
            authString += `:${password}`;
        if (authString)
            authString += '@';
        try {
        catch (err) {
            if (looseValidation) {
                new ConnectionString(uri, {
                    looseValidation: false
            if (typeof err.message === 'string') {
                err.message = err.message.replace(DUMMY_HOSTNAME, hosts);
            throw err;
        this._hosts = hosts.split(',');
        if (!looseValidation) {
            if (this.isSRV && this.hosts.length !== 1) {
                throw new MongoParseError('mongodb+srv URI cannot have multiple service names');
            if (this.isSRV && this.hosts.some(host => host.includes(':'))) {
                throw new MongoParseError('mongodb+srv URI cannot have port number');
        if (!this.pathname) {
            this.pathname = '/';
        Object.setPrototypeOf(this.searchParams, caseInsenstiveURLSearchParams(this.searchParams.constructor).prototype);
    get host() { return DUMMY_HOSTNAME; }
    set host(_ignored) { throw new Error('No single host for connection string'); }
    get hostname() { return DUMMY_HOSTNAME; }
    set hostname(_ignored) { throw new Error('No single host for connection string'); }
    get port() { return ''; }
    set port(_ignored) { throw new Error('No single host for connection string'); }
    get href() { return this.toString(); }
    set href(_ignored) { throw new Error('Cannot set href for connection strings'); }
    get isSRV() {
        return this.protocol.includes('srv');
    get hosts() {
        return this._hosts;
    set hosts(list) {
        this._hosts = list;
    toString() {
        return super.toString().replace(DUMMY_HOSTNAME, this.hosts.join(','));
    clone() {
        return new ConnectionString(this.toString(), {
            looseValidation: true
    redact(options) {
        return (0, redact_1.redactValidConnectionString)(this, options);
    typedSearchParams() {
        const sametype = false && new (caseInsenstiveURLSearchParams(whatwg_url_1.URLSearchParams))();
        return this.searchParams;
    [Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')]() {
        const { href, origin, protocol, username, password, hosts, pathname, search, searchParams, hash } = this;        return { href, origin, protocol, username, password, hosts, pathname, search, searchParams, hash };      
exports.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;
class CommaAndColonSeparatedRecord extends CaseInsensitiveMap {
    constructor(from) {
        for (const entry of (from !== null && from !== void 0 ? from : '').split(',')) {
            if (!entry)
            const colonIndex = entry.indexOf(':');
            if (colonIndex === -1) {
                this.set(entry, '');
            else {
                this.set(entry.slice(0, colonIndex), entry.slice(colonIndex + 1));
    toString() {
        return [...this].map(entry => entry.join(':')).join(',');
exports.CommaAndColonSeparatedRecord = CommaAndColonSeparatedRecord;
exports.default = ConnectionString;
      throw tmp;

SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^(?<protocol>[^/]+):\/\/(?:(?<username>[^:@]*)(?::(?<password>[^@]*))?@)?(?<hosts>(?!:)[^/?@]*)(?<rest>.*)/: Invalid group (12:21)
    at Parser.pp$4.raise (.\jalangi2\node_modules\acorn\dist\acorn.js:2893:15)
    at RegExpValidationState.raise (.\jalangi2\node_modules\acorn\dist\acorn.js:3262:17)
    at Parser.pp$8.regexp_eatCapturingGroup (.\jalangi2\node_modules\acorn\dist\acorn.js:3576:15)
    at Parser.pp$8.regexp_eatExtendedAtom (.\jalangi2\node_modules\acorn\dist\acorn.js:3595:12)
    at Parser.pp$8.regexp_eatTerm (.\jalangi2\node_modules\acorn\dist\acorn.js:3445:59)
    at Parser.pp$8.regexp_alternative (.\jalangi2\node_modules\acorn\dist\acorn.js:3426:52)
    at Parser.pp$8.regexp_disjunction (.\jalangi2\node_modules\acorn\dist\acorn.js:3410:10)
    at Parser.pp$8.regexp_pattern (.\jalangi2\node_modules\acorn\dist\acorn.js:3385:10)
    at Parser.pp$8.validateRegExpPattern (.\jalangi2\node_modules\acorn\dist\acorn.js:3361:10)
    at Parser.pp$9.readRegexp (.\jalangi2\node_modules\acorn\dist\acorn.js:4690:10) {
  pos: 656,
  loc: Position { line: 12, column: 21 },
  raisedAt: 763
msridhar commented 2 years ago

@soufianos01 thanks for the report. I wonder if there is some recent regex feature that our version of Acorn doesn't support and we need to update. Or maybe there is an issue with Babel.

One question. It looks like you're trying to analyze a node.js project. Have you tried NodeProf?

It supports writing analyses in the same style as Jalangi, and it should be generally much more robust for Node.js programs due to its GraalVM-based approach. If I were doing a new dynamic analysis for Node.js these days, I would try NodeProf since it supports modern JS constructs without needing Babel.