Samsung / netcoredbg

NetCoreDbg is a managed code debugger with MI interface for CoreCLR.
MIT License
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Break if bad breakpoint condition #153

Closed qgindi closed 3 months ago

qgindi commented 6 months ago

Now, if breakpoint condition is invalid or unsupported, the breakpoint is silently ignored, and the end user does not know why.

Tested how it works in other debuggers: VS, VSCode and Rider. All then display an error message and break.

Feature request: break if bad breakpoint condition. And indicate the error in the *stopped event data.

viewizard commented 5 months ago

Looks like not only debugger but also IDE related feature (IDE/adapter/plugin should also care about this). Will add same behaviour as VSCode C# debugger have (send breakpoint changed event with condition expression error text + send stderr output event with same text + break on breakpoint).

viewizard commented 5 months ago

BTW, not sure about Rider, but I was not able to found any related lines in MIEngine, probably VS C# debugger have some integration in VS IDE (same as it have it for EnC, that not implemented in MIEngine).

gbalykov commented 3 months ago

This should be fixed in latest release. Feel free to reopen if you see any more related issues.