Samsung / qaboard

Experiment tracker: organize, visualize, compare and share runs. Removes toil from algorithm/performance R&D and tuning.
Apache License 2.0
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QA-Board for performance engineering #11

Open arthur-flam opened 4 years ago

arthur-flam commented 4 years ago

Right now QA-Board focuses on algorithm engineering. Another big area is software performance.

How do people track software performance?

Unit tests are not enough to judge software performance. Some organizations:

On the ops side, if we're talking about applications/services:

For libraries or products used as dependencies by others, it's not possible to setup those tools. Could QA-Board help "shift-left" and help identify issues before releases?

Development workflows for performance engineering

Software engineers have the same need for "run tracking" as algorithm engineers.

Features needed

Reference: perf/profiling tools

arthur-flam commented 4 years ago

We love Brendan Gregg's flame charts and integrated Martin Spier's d3-flame-graph.

At a glance, you can check where you code spends its CPU cycles, and use differential flame graphs to debug regressions: image

For now we keep the issue open, we may turn it into a thread or "project"