SamsungDS / MacVFN

Control your Thunderbolt NVMe SSD using DriverKit on macOS
MIT License
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Installation bumps #2

Open scottcmarks opened 1 month ago

scottcmarks commented 1 month ago

Step 1:

git clone -b driverkit


fatal: remote error: upload-pack: not our ref 934f84177e4b793a133f914369fdbba98782b150
fatal: Fetched in submodule path 'MacVFN/libvfn', but it did not contain 934f84177e4b793a133f914369fdbba98782b150. Direct fetching of that commit failed.

Not going to be denied that quickly, though, so I just decided to route around:

scott@Mac-mini-x86 MacVFN $ cat .gitmodules 
[submodule "MacVFN/libvfn"]
    path = MacVFN/libvfn
    url =
    branch = driverkit
scott@Mac-mini-x86 MacVFN $ cd MacVFN/libvfn
scott@Mac-mini-x86 libvfn $ git checkout driverkit
branch 'driverkit' set up to track 'origin/driverkit'.
Switched to a new branch 'driverkit'
scott@Mac-mini-x86 libvfn $ git fetch --all
scott@Mac-mini-x86 libvfn $ git pull --ff
Already up to date.
scott@Mac-mini-x86 libvfn $ git branch
* driverkit
scott@Mac-mini-x86 libvfn $ ls
AUTHORS         CONTRIBUTORS        LICENSE         ccan            docs            include         lib         meson_options.txt   src         tools
CONTRIBUTING.rst    COPYING         README.rst      config          examples        internal     scripts         tests
scott@Mac-mini-x86 libvfn $ pwd

That appeared to be a credible recovery.

But alas, when I tried step 2, I got this:

scott@Mac-mini-x86 MacVFN $ make build install kill log
/Users/scott/preboot/MacVFN/MacVFN/libvfn/src/pci/util.c:13:10: fatal error: 'byteswap.h' file not found
#include <byteswap.h>
1 error generated.

Since this error comes in building libvfn, was I too quick to simply pull the tips of driverkit? I will investigate in Xcode. Regardless, the .gitmodules file for MacVFN appears to be outdated.

Baekalfen commented 1 day ago

Sorry, I hadn't seen your PR as I was traveling at the time. Your initial issue should have been fixed now. Maybe that sorts out the second part as well.