SamsungDS / Spex

lint- and extract figures from NVMe specification documents.
3 stars 2 forks source link

define nix, docker and docker dev env #16

Closed jwdevantier closed 1 year ago

jwdevantier commented 1 year ago
jwd@jwdssdr ~/r/spex (dockdock)> docker image ls
REPOSITORY   TAG                    IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
debian       latest                 3676c78a12ad   35 hours ago   116MB
python       latest                 c0e63845ae98   3 weeks ago    1.01GB
spex-dev     20230704152754-dirty   79318d060ee8   53 years ago   325MB
spex         20230704152754-dirty   7446401dac0f   53 years ago   186MB

EDIT: removed separate docker development image after discussion.