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build(docs): switch to building docs using a Python venv #7

Closed safl closed 1 year ago

safl commented 1 year ago

When running "make" then building the documentation would fail with a message along the lines of "command not found: sphinx-build". Obviously, when sphinx-build is not available.

To make this a bit easier to get into, that is, building and viewing the documentation, then the Makefile is extended to build the documentation using sphinx-build from a Python venv local to the documentation.

Three pseudo-targets are facilitating this:


Provided as an explicit top-level to dispatch what happens by default. The default behavior is extended to install a Python venv.


This installs the Python venv packages defined in requirements.txt. This is an actual make-target, thus when 'venv' exists, then this is skipped.


This attempts to open the build html docs via 'open' and 'xdg-open'


This will: install venv (when needed), build the html documentation, then attempt to open it.

With these changes then the default behavior of invoking "make" will provide an environment where calling "sphinx-build" will succeed. Thus, to bootstrap building the documentation the following is needed:

This is expected to be provided by the system, e.g. via nix, a docker image, package installation or whatever one fancies.