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Web Notifications Permission Dialog Implementation concerns #24

Closed fabianuribe closed 5 years ago

fabianuribe commented 6 years ago

Hello folks, we are very excited and ready to roll out browser push notifications on Samsung browser, however we have noticed that the current implementation around the permission dialog for Web Notifications might be confusing for the users.

Currently on beta 6.2.017, the Notifications permission dialog provides 3 options:

The “DO NOT SHOW AGAIN” option label doesn't seem to have enough context or be sufficiently descriptive of the actual outcome after selecting it. We are observing that the option has the capacity to disable the Browser Notifications completely for the entire browser instead of addressing a single domain preference, and hence potentially affecting unrelated sites making use of the feature.

Hypothetical Scenario: Site "A" permission status gets affected by site "B" permission dialog

  1. User navigates to site "A" and site requests permission to send Notifications.
  2. User grants permission to site "A" for receiving Notifications.
  3. Happy User is enjoying and engaging with Notifications from site "A".
  4. User navigates to site "B" which also requests permission to send Notifications.
  5. User is not interested on site "B" Notifications, selects "DO NOT SHOW AGAIN" option since user never wants to be prompted by site "B" again.
  6. Sad User no longer receives Notifications from site "A"

Our main concerns are:

poshaughnessy commented 6 years ago

Thanks for raising this @fabianuribe. I've notified colleagues and we should speak about this further next week.

fabianuribe commented 6 years ago

Thanks for raising it @poshaughnessy, we will be monitoring this thread for any updates from your end.

poshaughnessy commented 6 years ago

Hi @fabianuribe. Sorry there's not going to be any immediate updates on this - if we are going to make a change to this behaviour then it would not be before the next major release, v7. However, this request has been passed on to the UX team to review and so we'll see what they say. Thanks again for prompting that.

poshaughnessy commented 6 years ago

Hi @fabianuribe, we are intending to change this - by removing the "do not show again" option - for the next major v7 release, in 2018. Thanks again.

fabianuribe commented 6 years ago

Thank you @poshaughnessy we will be looking forward to v7 release.