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CustomTabsCallback not reporting some navigation events #39

Closed CoderSpinoza closed 4 years ago

CoderSpinoza commented 6 years ago

I am developing an OAuth login module with custom tabs and currently experiencing an issue with CustomTabsCallback's onNavigationEvent() method on Samsung browser. The issue is that several navigation events are not being reported from the method.

     * Sent when the tab has started loading a page.
    public static final int NAVIGATION_STARTED = 1;

     * Sent when the tab has finished loading a page.
    public static final int NAVIGATION_FINISHED = 2;

     * Sent when the tab couldn't finish loading due to a failure.
    public static final int NAVIGATION_FAILED = 3;

     * Sent when loading was aborted by a user action before it finishes like clicking on a link
     * or refreshing the page.
    public static final int NAVIGATION_ABORTED = 4;

     * Sent when the tab becomes visible.
    public static final int TAB_SHOWN = 5;

     * Sent when the tab becomes hidden.
    public static final int TAB_HIDDEN = 6;

The documentation specifies 6 navigation events but Samsung internet browser only reports two of them: NAVIGATION_STARTED and NAVIGATION_FINISHED when opened with custom tabs. TAB_SHOWN, TAB_HIDDEN, and NAVIGATION_FAILED are not being called with Samsung browser while they are with Google Chrome.

I was wondering if this is by design, or it is going to be implemented in the near future. I definitely want to support Samsung browser so hope it's the latter :)

p.s. I haven't tested NAVIGATION_ABORTED myself so I am not sure if it is supported or not.

PicchiKevin commented 4 years ago

Hi, Thank you for opening this issue. We are currently migrating our support channel to the Samsung Developer Forum. If you are still experiencing this issue I'd highly recommend re-opening it here please

Thanks again, -Kevin