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can't open link in app using intents #71

Open vesper8 opened 5 years ago

vesper8 commented 5 years ago

These two links work perfectly in Chrome for opening a youtube video in the Youtube/YoutubeVR app, or direct the user to the app store if it's not installed

    <a href="intent://FRGF77fBAeM/#Intent;;;S.browser_fallback_url=market://details?;end;">youtube or market</a>
    <a href="intent://FRGF77fBAeM/#Intent;;;S.browser_fallback_url=market://details?;end;">youtube-vr or market</a>

But these links don't work in Samsung Internet.

In any case I would want the video to open in the Occulus' version of YoutubeVR

How can this be achieved currently? How can I have a link that opens a youtube video in YoutubeVR that works in Samsung Internet?

I would have liked even more to be able to embed a 360 Youtube video in my website / webvr but that seems completely impossible at the moment

vesper8 commented 5 years ago

Furthermore, I tried adding another link that links directly to the youtube video

<a href="">Direct Link</a>

Clicking on this loads the youtube video with a warning saying that this browser (Samsung Internet) does not support 360 video content and that we should open the youtube app instead, with a big green button that says 'open app'

Clicking on that button also triggers a 'unsupported feature'

Cmon! Are you trying to prevent people from clicking out of your browser? If you don't support the feature (360 youtube video) then let us create web apps that allow the user to open the link in a way that IS supported

CatGuardian commented 5 years ago

Yes I agree!

This also doesn't work:'googlechrome://navigate?');

If you do that and you haven't allowed pop-ups, then samsung internet will have a little popup notifying you that it blocked a popup. And on that notification, if you click 'Allow Popups', then it will open up the chrome browser.

BUT if you already allowed pop-ups for the website, then all it does is open up a new tab with the googlechrome://navigate? in the address bar but it won't open up Google Chrome!

Can we please get this fixed?

CatGuardian commented 5 years ago

@vesper8, I think if you wanted an <a> tag that the user clicks on to open youtube, then you can do that by using <a href='youtube://.....'></a> if you find out what scheme youtube uses. Like google chrome uses googlechrome://. Clicking on an link seems to popup the app.

(but for whatever reason, won't work)

rzr commented 5 years ago
