SamyBencherif / 3gw
The Unlicense
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Live editing #36

Open SamyBencherif opened 11 months ago

SamyBencherif commented 11 months ago

Storing scene information in a text editor so that the runtime can be used to modify properties. This is a core aspect of my philosophy that "the game is the editor".

By enabling some hidden flag [ ~ ] or a command line argument, for instance, the game opens in an editable mode. Using the first person controller the game designer can see how the game looks from the player's perspective while editing the game. They are free to toggle Noclip to get to the hard to reach places. (This is inspired by the Portal 1 mod: map editor, and it's similar to Minecraft/Terraria)

This is partially implemented on main, where the player can use the 'E' button to pick up and move world boundaries while in Noclip mode.

model, textures, geometry should all be live resources which can be selected in the game runtime.

SamyBencherif commented 11 months ago

I'm probably going to rollback existing progress on this, because I think the inclusion of ODE is essential to make this engine worthwhile for actually making games in. When Physics is done, then I may come back with Live Editing features, such as moving statics around, and picking mat/tex.