Samyuth / LomandoCrawler

A crawler for various choice based games
MIT License
1 stars 4 forks source link

Directory reorganization needed #10

Open Samyuth opened 1 year ago

Samyuth commented 1 year ago

As it stands every time a new parser is created you create a new directory copying over the file from Tsukihme. This makes unnecessary code rewriting and files in other directories that are behind or ahead in features.

Samyuth commented 1 year ago

The reason this hasn't been done so far is due to a lack of knowledge around python modules. Ideally one module structure would be as below: NscriptParser/ YoutubeParser/ RenpyParser/

I've had problems with this however in that I haven't been able to inherit from Graph if I use the type of structure due to weird issues with python modules.