Sandeepkun / Twitter-Comment-Bug-Fix

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Code Review #1

Open QuantumDev-oss opened 1 month ago

QuantumDev-oss commented 1 month ago


After further consideration, I believe we can make some additional improvements to our comment handling implementation. While the current solution is solid, here are some suggestions to enhance functionality, performance, and user experience:

  1. Implement event delegation: Instead of attaching event listeners to each comment, we could use event delegation on the parent container. This would improve performance, especially for threads with many comments.

    document.querySelector('.comments-container').addEventListener('click', (event) => {
     if ('.comment-body')) {
     } else if ('.comment-author')) {
    2.  Add touch events for mobile:
    To improve mobile responsiveness, we should consider adding touch events alongside click events.

function addTapListener(element, callback) { element.addEventListener('click', callback); element.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); callback(e); }); }

  1. Implement lazy loading: For long comment threads, we could implement lazy loading to improve initial load times and performance.

function loadComments(startIndex, count) { // Fetch and render comments from startIndex to startIndex + count }

// Use Intersection Observer API for infinite scrolling const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { if (entries[0].isIntersecting) { loadComments(currentIndex, 20); } });

  1. Add state management: To keep track of expanded comments across re-renders or page refreshes, we could implement a simple state management solution.

const expandedComments = new Set();

function handleCommentTap(commentId) { if (expandedComments.has(commentId)) { expandedComments.delete(commentId); } else { expandedComments.add(commentId); } updateCommentView(commentId); }

  1. Enhance accessibility: We should add ARIA attributes and keyboard navigation to make our comment system more accessible.

<div role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded={isExpanded} onKeyPress={(e) => e.key === 'Enter' && handleCommentTap(commentId)} onClick={() => handleCommentTap(commentId)}

{/ Comment content /}

  1. Add animation: A subtle animation when expanding/collapsing comments could enhance the user experience.

.comment-body { max-height: 0; overflow: hidden; transition: max-height 0.3s ease-out; }

.comment-body.expanded { max-height: 1000px; / Adjust based on expected maximum height / }

These improvements would make the comment system more robust, performant, and user-friendly. Let's discuss these suggestions and prioritize them for upcoming sprints.

kaokien commented 1 month ago

Hey sorry to necrobump can either of you confirm if this issue, was occurring on iPadOS running safari? I experienced an issue identical to this and looking for confirmation.

Sandeepkun commented 1 month ago

Hey @kaokien I replied to your separate thread, thanks @QuantumDev-oss I'll look into including this.