SanderRonde / VSCode-Gerrit

Gerrit plugin for VSCode
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Better handling of authenitcation across multiple instances #70

Open jamesharris-garmin opened 4 months ago

jamesharris-garmin commented 4 months ago

I very often work with AOSP style projects that are composed of repositories across multiple gerrit top level instances that can co-exist in the same workspace.

It seems like I can only really authenticate to a single gerrit instance per workspace under the current forumation of the tool.

Would it be posisble to re-define the tool to better tie into the git API and possibly look for URL authentication via the ~/.netrc authentication or other authentication mechanisms external to vscode settings?

SanderRonde commented 4 months ago

Authentication is currently not the biggest hurdle to multi-instance workspaces imo, the thing I struggle most with is how things would work UI-wise etc. I'm not entirely opposed to the idea (although it does incur quite some complexity) but there are some things where I'm not really sure how things would work. Maybe you (as a multi-repo workspace user) can tell me what you'd expect behavior to be in these situations and maybe it'll turn out to be not super hard to do:

So I think the main question is how would you determine the current repo, or maybe we want all changes from all repos combined together (which would probably make quite some API calls quite a bit slower). If the answer is that we do just take the current file, is it going to be a situation where you are likely to switch repos often? Do you generally stick to a repo or do you hop back and forth?

Mattadore commented 3 months ago

As another multi-instance user, I'd say just having gerrit.gitRepo just be a list of paths to care about would be awesome. I don't personally deal with the multi-auth issue, but supporting multiple gerrit instances under a single workspace would be incredibly helpful.

AOSP has hundreds of gerrit repos within it, so explicitly listing the ones you care about reviews for makes a lot of sense to me. Like, if it's not to expensive to have it just auto-detect the gerrit repo of whatever file you have open and load any relevant review that would be best. "All changes from all repos combined together" does not sound computationally realistic for something like AOSP if you intend to do some recursive search unless you just mean whichever repos are open in the current window.

I am not sure if "load this pre-set list of repos" or "load whatever repos I have open" is best longer term. There are times where I don't even touch a given repo when working, so loading all relevant might actually be more expensive than just loading whatever files I touch. You could also probably filter by the top change of the git repo of a file being authored by the current user before calling into gerrit to load the metadata, to drastically reduce the overhead of checking the repos of all files the user touches. It seems like a lot more work though, just loading from a list gets me like 90% of the functionality I would want if you need to prioritize one.

Do you generally stick to a repo or do you hop back and forth?

I hop around constantly, and generally just expect things to operate on the repo of my currently selected file (all of my custom actions behave like this). I expect that people using this for multi-gerrit in one workspace are probably working on something huge like AOSP.

Would it again show all changes or only the ones for the current repo?

Again, my strong preference is just whatever the repo of the currently selected file is, that's how all my other workflows behave.

maybe we want all changes from all repos combined together

Please no, that sounds like such a headache. Some extensions such as the git and gitlens ones try to do this on some of their windows and it makes those parts totally unusable.

I'm curious if others such @jamesharris-garmin have thoughts on this, but this is my opinion as someone who deals with a massive multi-gerrit workspace regularly. I'm currently just changing which repo the extension points at depending on which review I am doing which is a bit annoying.

felipecrs commented 2 months ago

If possible, I would recommend to use VS Code's Authentication API instead:

SanderRonde commented 2 months ago

Alright these are some good answers to my questions :)

I think this does sound like a valid thing to support. To make it work I would like to have such a repository to test it out on. Since I'm not too knowledgeable on this I'll ask you guys. Which (open source) repo is a good example of what you'd like to have supported by this extension? And what does the setup look like? Do you just have a single root folder that you clone all the gerrit instances into? Do you use VSCode's multi-workspace feature? I did briefly look into the AOSP project but it looks like that takes up a massive amount of storage so that's probably not ideal.

jamesharris-garmin commented 2 months ago

I don't know if there is a specific open source project that would cover this use case, but it might be possible to fake it simply by cloning a subproject of AOSP and then getting another simple sub-project like git-review from the openstack guys ( These could be in either a multi-root workspace or a single folder with multiple projects (thought the latter case is probably more likely).

It would simply be a case of being able to list witch gerrit servers can log into and then matching the project remote servers against that list of domain names. Then you present a tree view of which projects are associated with which gerrit instance we have configured.


Sorry I am catching up to additional replies. i think most of their feedback is good and agree that when I am working across instances I am bouncing back and forth constantly between projects, so the lowest friction solution to supporting multiple instances would be ideal.

Mattadore commented 2 months ago

I mean, a simple repro is just having a folder with 1-2 multi-level nested subfolders that are Gerrit repos, I don't know if it's much more complex than that. eg: some root workspace, then a/b/somerepo + a/b/someotherrepo + c/d/somethirdrepo. I assume if you get that working it'll probably scale fine, and I can test it on AOSP.

Do you use VSCode's multi-workspace feature?

Different people handle this differently, unfortunately.. there's not a great standard around it. From what I can tell most people do, but I don't, I just have one giant workspace for everything. I assume multi-workspace would just configure this as multiple individual instances, one on each workspace, which I guess would have solved my problem? But I don't really like multi-workspace workflow very much, it's clunky. I'm also not totally sure it solves the problem as I haven't actually tried it.

I did briefly look into the AOSP project but it looks like that takes up a massive amount of storage so that's probably not ideal.

...yeah 😅

SanderRonde commented 2 months ago

Alright it's taken a while (and some 4.5k changed lines of code) but I think I've got it. I've attached a build of what I've got now. It seems to work pretty well from what I can test. See the linked commit's commit message for some more details.

To install the file: rename from a .zip to .vsix (github doesn't allow uploading .vsix files), then go to your editor, to the extensions tab, click the dots on the top-right, click "install from vsix" and pick it there.

Mattadore commented 1 month ago

Nice :smile: really appreciate the support!!!

I will check it out this week and see how it goes.

jamesharris-garmin commented 1 month ago

In trying to configure this I immediately see a problem where I am trying to clone from an ssh:// url and need to specify an alternate http url. (I.e.) the root for the code review URL is https://<server-name>/code-review/ but the repository is cloned from ssh://<server-name>

Should I put the https url in there?

SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

Yes. The HTTP URL is the URL that will be used by the HTTP API. I'm not sure how things are configured in your case, the default setup has both be the same, but I'm pretty sure the URL you use to view your dashboard and such is the one that'll host the API too.

jamesharris-garmin commented 1 month ago

the ssh server is just the domain name .but the gerrit application is hosted form the 'code-review' path.

so the sign in workflow would need to be able to say: oh you have an ssh server, set the root of the gerrit application (hit enter if it is the same)

jamesharris-garmin commented 1 month ago

also if you could have an example layout of how to manually do this in the settings that might be helpful

SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

Ah because it prefills it with the host in the .gitreview file in the "setup credentials" command. Yeah I agree, I'll add that later. Indeed a bit confusing to prefill with possibly the wrong value.

SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

An example:

"gerrit.remotes": {
    "https://<server-name>/code-review/": {
        "username": "...",
        "password": "..."
SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

Ah I just realized that I accidentally threw out support for having a different URL from the SSH URL in the current multi-repo approach. Will bring it back again and let you know once I did

SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

Ah turns out it was stil in there but just in another way. I've re-built the extension with better support for it. Now it is a part of the "Enter credentials" command, as well as being part of the gerrit.remotes setting.

Mattadore commented 1 month ago

Activating extension 'SanderRonde.vscode--gerrit' failed: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'host'). :(

I would offer more context but cannot figure out what is generating the error, the stacktrace is a mess of vscode internals.

SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

Hmm I can't seem to replicate the error. What are your settings?

Mattadore commented 1 month ago

Is the code assuming that we have gitreview files? It seems to make that assumption, and I have none. Could that be the issue? The credentials code adds a bunch of "host" variables and seems to have a lot of code that depends on git review files existing.

Mattadore commented 1 month ago
    "gerrit.remotes": {
        "default": {
            "url": "https://android review url",
            "username": "someusername",
            "password": "somepass",

same entries as I had before the syntax switch

SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

Ah yeah it is indeed somewhat making the assumption that you have a .gitreview file (and I can reproduce the issue when I remove it myself). Does gerrit still work for you without such a file? And do you know if this is a common setup?

Mattadore commented 1 month ago

Yeah, I have never had a file and everything worked fine before the latest update. The credentials are managed in a different system. I believe this is a fairly common setup, in my experience.

SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

Ah ok. I've changed the setup to be able to catch not having a gitreview file. I think it should work for you then.

felipecrs commented 1 month ago

I think it would be nice to depend as little as possible on git review itself. For example, I don't use it, and it's cumbersome to install.

The feature of downloading changes for example can be easily changed to use only git itself (see the download change links in the Gerrit UI).

SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

Yeah fair point, will try to do that some time soon. Indeed shouldn't be terribly hard.

Mattadore commented 1 month ago
[SanderRonde.vscode--gerrit]Maximum call stack size exceeded
$onExtensionRuntimeError @ mainThreadExtensionService.ts:78

It seems to be stuck in an infinite loop in extension.ts. Something to do with DEV_OVERRIDE?

SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

Oops my bad, indeed looks related to that. Here's another build.

vscode--gerrit-1.2.41 (2).zip

SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

For those interested, I've completely removed the reliance on the git-review tool and, where possible, the .gitreview file. Here's a build of the extension with those changes. (CC @felipecrs)

felipecrs commented 1 month ago

That's really nice!

felipecrs commented 1 month ago

@SanderRonde, just wondering, are these changes part of the latest release already?

Mattadore commented 1 month ago

I will check it out soon, I have been a bit busy, but seems very promising :D

SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

I've not released either of these changes yet. I'm kind of hoping you guys can test out the multi-repo variant since I can't test it in my day-to-day workflow. After that one has gone live the git-review change will probably also go live soon after since I was able to test that myself.

felipecrs commented 1 month ago

Got it. I don't personally use multi-repo feature, I think.

But I will try out the vsix and let you know. I'm specially interested on the git-review changes.

Mattadore commented 1 month ago
Tried to run "git config --get remote.origin.url", but failed
Error: Command failed: git config --get remote.origin.url

soooooooooo I don't use "origin" like, I could add "origin" but it would need to be done manually for each repo. I don't think it is unreasonable to assume "gerrit" remote exists, but better would probably be to just have a setting for default remote name. Ideally once I get this working, I could export my config to other Android developers and have it "just work" ™️

I know my workflow is weird, but there is an extremely large population of developers who have a similar weird gerrit workflow and could benefit from this

Additionally, one time adding the remote gave: 'SanderRonde.vscode--gerrit' failed: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'body'). ??? but I haven't seen that error again since o.O

felipecrs commented 1 month ago

I don't use "gerrit" in my git remotes, I only use "origin", because I only have one remote, which is gerrit itself.

Perhaps trying first "gerrit" then "origin" would be a good default?

I think it would cover 99% of the cases, and later perhaps if someone complains, add the option to configure it.

Mattadore commented 1 month ago

FWIW almost none of my repos use "gerrit" or "origin" and that would immediately break, I actually retract my prior statement about being able to assume "gerrit" exists. Also, it is trying to access data from the remote itself which immediately fails with "UnsupportedProtocolError" because we don't use "ssh:" or "https:" but a weird non-standard prefix. The thing is, all of this worked before the multi-repo split, and still works on the current public version, so I am wondering what I can do to just make it behave like it did before. It seems like this added more assumptions, which are.. maybe helpful? but don't exist on the single-repo version.

felipecrs commented 1 month ago

I guess the key is to keep reading information from .gitreview if such file exists.

Mattadore commented 1 month ago

Actually, it seems like this is maybe just a.. bug? It is trying to figure out what the gerrit server is in order to access "config/server/version" , but it's moot because I already passed the server URL to the config so it should just use that, I think it doesn't need to know what my remote is or any of that.

"[prefix][repo]/config/server/version" is what it's trying to access but that isn't even a thing, what it wants is "[url]/config/server/version"

SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

Will look at this in detail more this weekend. But I'm pretty sure the git-related issues (origin etc) are due to me removing the reliance in git-review. I've made a few assumptions there that I thought were correct but apparently not all were.

You can still find a multi-repo build without these changes over here:

Mattadore commented 1 month ago

It's no rush, I appreciate all the support :)))

SanderRonde commented 1 month ago

Some changes to the git-review related changes in this new version. I've made it go down a list of remotes, falling back to the first remote in git remote when there is no match.

You should be able to set the correct API URL by setting the url field of the new gerrit.remotes field. You'll probably want to use default as a key for the setting (at least while testing).

Mattadore commented 3 weeks ago

It is still using the git remote as the host for review, not the "url" param.

I am actually not sure where the "url" config param is used at all in the code, but am maybe just blind?

SanderRonde commented 3 weeks ago

Yes I think that makes sense or am I missing something? The git remote is the one that git-review changes are git-pushed to. The URL is used for the HTTP API, which is where the extension gets most of its data from.

Mattadore commented 3 weeks ago

It appears to be trying to make https requests to "https://" + remote + repo "/config/server/version" which will not work, and it was not doing previously. I cannot share the exact string, but it's not a valid http request and the remote does not even have a TLD, we use a weird auth provider. I am wondering if it is maybe just accidentally using the remote instead of the URL host param passed to the config for this; this all still works just fine on the main branch.

SanderRonde commented 2 weeks ago

I did change quite a bit about the structure of the API in order to make multi-instance usage work. So do expect some things to be broken and to not work, mostly because it's quite hard for me to test this against a real-life use case.

I think I did fix the bug you're mentioning in the package below, I'm not 100% sure though (since I can't really verify). Could you check for me whether this helps? If not, a few things you can do:

Mattadore commented 6 days ago

It works! Kind of. It successfully loads all the ongoing reviews under a given repo, and if I change repos it then loads those. However, comments don't work at all and I have no idea why, the devtools aren't returning any issues nor is the extension output. Importantly it's not just per-file comments, even opening an ongoing review does not load comments, they just don't seem to work at all.

It is also bit slow, though I think there are some possible fixes, as it seems to be an issue of just "a ton of requests at once". I think batching requests into one mega-request might be possible, as the webui seems to do this, and we can also probably just lower the amount of changes it fetches per-category at once if that doesn't work.

Mattadore commented 6 days ago

I did not mess with the auth config at all, the one I was trying previously immediately worked on the new version.

SanderRonde commented 5 days ago

I didn't get to the comments issue yet but I did manage to speed up the requests a lot. While it wasn't a matter of syncing up requests (there's only one request that supports multiple changes), it was a matter of removing unnecessary requests by rewriting some code. Loading the changes panel and expanding changes is now much faster :)

Thanks for the suggestion btw, I also released this optimization to the main extension branch