SanderRonde / phpstan-vscode

PHPStan plugin for VSCode
MIT License
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[Feature] Multi-Root support #55

Closed cyraid closed 4 months ago

cyraid commented 4 months ago

Hi there, I do appreciate the warning of multiple workspaces, but, it would be nice if we could configure the path and rootDir ourselves and use "${workspaceFolder:name}", and binPath would be "${workspaceFolder:name}/vendor/bin/phpstan" etc. But instead when I set rootDir, it shows "/home/user/some/folder/${workspaceFolder:name}" does not exist, and I'm also guessing binPath doesn't scan for the workspace folder either?

SanderRonde commented 4 months ago

Hmm I'm not really sure how this would look. The workspaceFolder:name field is not a native-to-vscode variable so it won't do anything unless I implement support for it. (I did at support for just ${workspaceFolder} but that only works in single-workspace configs since it just uses VSCode's workspace variable) In multi-root workspaces this presents two problems:

Could you maybe enter a path to the workspace you want phpstan-linted and save that in the (multi-root) workspace settings? That way it'll only lint a single workspace but will (I think) work.

cyraid commented 4 months ago

Sure! I'd be fine for a setting to set the folder path to the one that'll be "stanned", that would be great.

SanderRonde commented 4 months ago

You should be able to do that by setting rootDir right? Or does that not work

cyraid commented 4 months ago

Nope. It sets whatever I put in there relative to the first workspace. It should be relative to the directory of the workspace root if anything? Ultimately if you supported ${workspace folder:name} would be great too. :)

SanderRonde commented 4 months ago

It should be relative to the directory of the workspace root What is the workspace root in the case of multiple workspaces? Do you mean a sort of shared root between the two of them? If I have the workspaces /home/sander/js-projects/X and /home/sander/php-projects/Y open, what is the workspace root?

I'm not against supporting ${workspace folder:name}, I'm just not really sure what its value would be and how it would work. In the case of a multi-root workspace it can essentially have two values right?

It's indeed correct that it sets whatever is in there relative to the first workspace if it's a relative path, because otherwise it's kind of hard to say "to what" it is relative. It should work with an absolute path though.

cyraid commented 4 months ago

I definitely wanna stay away from absolute paths. If the rootDir could be fixed to be relative to the multi-root workspace folder I'm sure that would work too, then I could just put a relative path to the right folder.

In a .code-workspace file, you can add multiple folders (or through the editor). It ends up looking like this:

    "folders": [
            "path": "path1"
            "path": "path2"
            "path": "path3"

And using ${workspaceFolder:path1} uses the folder for path1 in the folders. :)

As for more information on the topic, going here:

You can see that:

By appending the root folder's name to a variable (separated by a colon), it is possible to reach into sibling root folders of a workspace. Without the root folder name, the variable is scoped to the same folder where it is used.

For example, in a multi root workspace with folders Server and Client, a ${workspaceFolder:Client} refers to the path of the Client root.

There's also a little more located at:

If you wanna know about the "folders" setting. Thanks for all the help.

SanderRonde commented 4 months ago

If the rootDir could be fixed to be relative to the multi-root workspace folder I'm sure that would work too, then I could just put a relative path to the right folder. What would be the multi-root workspace folder in the case of the example I gave? I still don't really understand this concept.

And using ${workspaceFolder:path1} uses the folder for path1 in the folders. :) Ahhh I only just understood that you meant for ${workspace folder:name} to actually have the name of a workspace after the colon instead of just the raw string name. Okay that makes more sense. Yeah that should be doable. I've attached a version of the extension that adds support for ${workspaceFolder:name}, can you test that? (I've attached it as a zip file because github doesn't allow attaching of .vsix files, just rename it to that and drop it into your extensiosn panel)

cyraid commented 4 months ago

Beautiful! Thanks man. <3