SanderRonde / phpstan-vscode

PHPStan plugin for VSCode
MIT License
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No error highlight in traits #65

Closed MrMeshok closed 3 months ago

MrMeshok commented 3 months ago

Take this file for example

Trait TestTrait
    public function getFromNullable(?stdClass $stdClass): mixed
        return $stdClass->foo;

class FirstClass
    use TestTrait;

class SecondClass
    use TestTrait;

    public function getFromNullableClass(?stdClass $stdClass): mixed
        return $stdClass->foo;

In VS Code I see this image

But if i run phpstan in terminal image

I also found this blog about traits

SanderRonde commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the report! (You're on a roll :))

I've got some good news and some bad news:

MrMeshok commented 3 months ago

Awesome! I actually didn't expect to see error in a class that uses the trait. And after reading this blog post it's definitely not needed