Sandertv / mcwss

A websocket server for Minecraft Bedrock Edition
MIT License
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[Question] RAW API Documentation #10

Open TheArmagan opened 4 years ago

TheArmagan commented 4 years ago

How i can found the minecraft webscoket documentation i want the orginal one if exits like this one but for websocket connections and othet things

Sandertv commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to really be one. Most of the code present in this repository was based on reverse engineering as I was unable to find sufficient documentation on it.

RadiatedMonkey commented 4 years ago

I used this and this to figure out how the protocol works. Here's a list of events you can subscribe to

Sandertv commented 4 years ago

Be aware that the majority of the events in that gist is not actually available or is not called at any time.