Open Sandushki opened 6 months ago
"Clear the Chat" function
I have created an additional function for my Discord bot to use. This function basically "clears the chat" because it sends a ton of empty lines using the U+3164 character. This way, you have to scroll up to see the previous messages. Below is the "code" for this function.
def temizle():
temizleyici = "ㅤ\n"
"This Doesn't Exist" function
The "this does not exist" function is a function that returns most of my Discord bot commands as a list. It also does this in a complete sentence. The code is followed below.
def komutCikar():
komutlar =("Her komut dolar ile başlamak üzere;\n\n merhaba\n görüşürüz\n şifre oluştur\n yazı tura\n emoji\n\nolmak üzere,\nbüyük-küçük harflerin yazılımına dikkat edin.")
I have created some very, very basic functions that can used by my Discord bot. I have contained some snippets about those in this issue.