SaneEngineer / No-Grass-In-Objects-NG

NGIO ported to AE
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TrueHUD causes crashes while caching #20

Open 0pLuS0 opened 2 months ago

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug TrueHUD & DynDOLOD DLL NG crash NGIO-NG.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Caching If you are having issues with Caching, please upload PrecacheGrass.txt I'm using MO2 2.5.0 and I created several times the PrecacheGrass.txt in the root folder of Skyrim next to SkyrimSE.exe but the PrecacheGrass.txt always disappears.

Config Please upload your GrassControl.ini GrassControl.ini.txt

Log Please upload your NGIO.log here or link from pastebin NGIO-NG.log

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

I'm running SSE 1.6.640.0 using MO2 2.5.0 and NGIO-NG 1.0.11. If TrueHUD & DynDOLOD DLL NG are enabled the grass cache process crashes repeatedly and will not complete.

I have to disable TrueHUD and DynDOLOD DLL NG to create the grass cache. The info in the NGIO-NG.log is as far as the cache process will go before it crashes.

I installed trainwreck and I have log files, hopefully these will also help.

This log is with both mods enabled, but it seems to only show the issue I believe releated to TrueHUD. TruHUD.log

When I disable TrueHUD then it shows the issue now with DynDOLOD DLL NG. - Alpha 19 DynDOLOD DLL NG.log

Here is my modlist from MO2. modlist.txt

Here are my Skyrim INI files.





SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

TruHUD is unlikely to be the issue and likely only shows because of a background task. There does not seem to be anything I can do on my end in regards to DynDOLOD. It may be a bug in DynDOLOD, but most likely its an just an incompatibility due to how the two mods work.

SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

I just tested with Dyndolod NG and was unable to recreate the crash. My guess would be it is an issue with dyndolod and Worldspace Transition Tweaks - Skyrim To Solstheim

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

Hi @SaneEngineer

In SSE using the original NGIO I also had to uncheck/disable TruHUD to create the grass cache, otherwise it would crash, and not complete.

In I also had to disable moreHUD and Look What You See.

I had this problem for 2 years trying to create the grass cache in, so I always had to keep these 3 mods disabled in MO2.

I'll disable Worldspace Transition Tweaks and leave DynDOLOD DLL NG enabled and see what happens.


0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

Hello @SaneEngineer

I just unchecked/disabled Worldspace Transition Tweaks - Skyrim To Solstheim in MO2 and reran it over, and it crashed again.

I had TruHUD also unchecked/disabled in MO2, but DynDOLOD DLLL NG was enabled.

Here's the log from trainwreck.

Worldspace Transition Tweaks - Skyrim To Solstheim.log


SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

I appreciate the logs and testing. I would recommend only generating another worldspace such as Tamriel to see if its an issue with a lod file.

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

Hi @SaneEngineer

I don't understand what you are asking to do, how to do, generating another worldspace such as Tamriel?

If you are talking about xLODGen and DynDOLOD, I am running these after I create the grass cache.

By the way there was a new update for DynDOLOD DLL NG Alpha 22 I tried, same thing it crashed, here's that log if it helps.

DynDOLOD DLL NG Alpha 22.log


SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

I was suggesting to run grass cache with Only-pregenerate-world-spaces set to Tamriel to see if it is an issue with the worldspace or a general issue with dydoldod

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

Ahhh ok, my bad, let me go try that now.


0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

I forgot to ask, should the world spaces be in "Quotes" or it doesn't matter?

Only-pregenerate-world-spaces = Tamriel Only-pregenerate-world-spaces = "Tamriel"

Before I had them all in quotes like this;

Only-pregenerate-world-spaces = "AlftandWorld;Blackreach;BlindCliffCaveWorld;BloatedMansGrottoWorld;BluePalaceWingWorld;BrinewaterGrottoWorld;DarkwaterWorld;DeepwoodRedoubtWorld;DLC01Boneyard;DLC01FalmerValley;DLC01SoulCairn;DLC1AncestorsGladeWorld;DLC1DarkfallPassageWorld;DLC1ForebearsHoldout;DLC1HunterHQWorld;DLC1VampireCastleCourtyard;DLC2SolstheimWorld;EastEmpireWarehouse;EldergleamSanctuaryWorld;FallowstoneCaveWorldEnd;FallowstoneCaveWorldStart;FrostmereCryptWorld;JaphetsFollyWorld;KarthspireRedoubtWorld;KatariahWorld;LabyrinthianWorld;LabyrinthianWorld03;LabyrinthianWorld04;MarkarthWorld;MossMotherCavernWorld;RedEagleRedoubtWorld;RiftenWorld;ShadowgreenCavernWorld;SkuldafnWorld;SolitudeWorld;SouthfringeWorld;Sovngarde;Tamriel;TestSnow;WhiterunDragonsreachWorld;WhiterunWorld;WindhelmPitWorldspace;WindhelmWorld"


SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

Sorry for not responding they aren't supposed to be in quotes but its shouldn't matter. As long as they show up properly in the log.

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

It completed successfully with only; Only-pregenerate-world-spaces = Tamriel The cache size shows as 1.50 GB.

Here's a screen shot it completed...

NGIO-NG Tamriel Success

So what does this now possibly point to?


PS. TrueHUD was disabled...

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

I just enabled TrueHUD and tried to create the grass cache for only Tamriel and it crashed. By the way, if I didn't put Tamriel in quotes it wouldn't create the grass. hmm

Here's a log from trainwreck...


SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

That issue is likely an lod mesh, let me see if I can find want the issue with TrueHud is

SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

After some testing, I was able to replicate similar crashlogs, but it seems like truehud is just showing up because of something it is doing in the background. The frequency and locations is the same with and without for me.

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

I decided to keep TrueHud and DynDOLOD DLL NG enabled and it completed and created the grass cache.

So trying to think back, using the original NGIO and seeing this issue, maybe this time I jumped too soon.

BUT, the one thing that does happen, is that SSE crashes literally 10-15 times more.

If I have TrueHUD and DynDOLOD DLL NG disabled, SSE will only crash 3-4 times.

If I enabled these mods, SSE will crash 30-40 times, and when it starts coming to the end, where it's saying doing World 39 out of 41, World 40 out of 41 and World 41 out of 41 it will seriously crash every 30-40 seconds until it's completed.

I don't get why it crashes so much with these mods enabled.

It also takes twice as long to create the grass cache with TrueHud and DynDOLOD DLL NG enabled.


SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

DynDOLOD is likely to cause more issues and you should make sure your DynDOLOD output is disable while generating a grass cache. TrueHUD should be fine.

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

DynDOLOD DLL NG Alpha-23 was just released today, and I tried that with NGIO-NG-1.0.12-1.6.640 and it ran normal, only restarted 4 times.

Later I'll try with TrueHUD enabled and see how it goes.


0pLuS0 commented 1 month ago

I'm still seeing the same issue with TrueHUD enabled with SSE 1.6.640.0 using NGIO - Anniversary Edition (1.6.629 to 1.6.659)-42161-1-0-16f2.

It actually started to crash more, this time it starts right when I press the tilde key and as soon as the cache starts it crashes. It never started to crash in the beginning like this, maybe this helps you understand something about this.

All I know is I still have to disable it, if I don't want it crashing a lot, and taking more time to create the grass cache.


Soukmancer commented 4 weeks ago

I don't recall experiencing this at all in 1.5.97 ... certainly seems to be the case in 1.6.1170 ... Crash log analyzer doesn't point to Dyndolod DLL but the culprit list is SkyrimSE.exe, NiNode, HUD, and tbbmalloc.dll 99% of the time.

0pLuS0 commented 2 days ago

Hello @SaneEngineer

Since I opened this issue, I've added more mods to my setup and I had problems with this load order too.

It took me around 6 hours to figure out what was going on...

The latest Open Animation Replacer 2.3.6 seems to be causing issues, with major amounts of crashing so I had to disable it.

And these two other mods I had to disable as well;

Simplicity of Snow

Vanilla Landscapes Corrections

SaneEngineer commented 1 day ago

I appreciate you letting me know. Seems like there is some issue with version 2.3.6 of Open Animation Replacer unrelated to mod and newer version in general, I'd try using an older version, 2.3.5 seems like it is fine. The crash with Simplicity of Snow is likely the result of a mesh conflict, meshes not compatible with SoS will cause crashes, rather than a conflict with this mod. I'd look at crashlogs, if there are any for a specific cause. As for Vanilla Landscapes Corrections, I'd assume its a compatibility issue with different mod, I'd report it to the author.