SaneEngineer / No-Grass-In-Objects-NG

NGIO ported to AE
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Grass Cache Files Are Missing #22

Closed 0pLuS0 closed 2 months ago

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug I'm running SSE 1.6.640.0 using MO2 2.5.0, when I start Skyrim I get a popup message, saying the grass cache files are missing, unless I have a text file PrecacheGrass.txt next to SkyrimSE.exe.

I have created the PrecacheGrass.txt and placed it in the Skyrim directory where SkyrimSE.exe is located, but every time I create the grass cache it disappears.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Grass Cache Files Missing

Here's a screen shot of the PrecacheGrass.txt I created in the Skyrim directory. PrecacheGrass txt

Caching If you are having issues with Caching, please upload PrecacheGrass.txt It disappears on me as I mentioned when I generate the grass cache, so I don't have it to upload.

Config Please upload your GrassControl.ini GrassControl.ini.txt

Log Please upload your NGIO.log here or link from pastebin I don't have the NGIO.log when I created the grass cache, because I have been running the grass cache over several times, working on other issues.

Additional context After I created the grass cache, I added it into MO2 and then I ran xLODGen, TexGen and DynDOLOD successfully.

SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

Is there any .gid files in your MO2 overwrites?

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

Yes I can make the grass cache successfully, I just ran it over again, putting another PrecacheGrass.txt in the Skyrim directory.

Here's a screen shot of the grass cache I just made.

Grass Cache

Here's a partial view of the grass directory showing the cgid files.


I forgot to mention, right when the grass cache is done, and I get the popup message saying it completed successfully that is when the PrecacheGrass.txt in the Skyrim directory disappears.

Here's the NGIO-NG log. NGIO-NG.log


SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

PrecacheGrass.txt should be deleted when caching complete, so that caching doesn't startup again. The popup shows up because NGIO is not detecting the grass cache. You need to create a new mod from MO2 overrides and name it something like NGIO cache. I would first create a mod or move the files to there corresponding mod that generated them for the other files in your overwrites folder.

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

I didn't think about the name, I always just called it grass cache in the past. As for TexGen and DynDOLOD they both recognized the grass cache existed.

Since you said something like NGIO cache that makes me think named as grass cache should of worked?

It would be nice if you can make it so we can name it anything we like.

I always start MO2 then move all the directorys out of overwrite except grass, then I right click in MO2 Overwrite at the bottom and create a new mod.

I just named it NGIO cache here's a screen shot. I'll rerun over xLODGen, TexGen, DynDOLOD and see how this goes.


NGIO cache

P.S. Are these ok as .cgid or do they need to be renamed to .gid?

SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

I meant .cgid. Name shouldn't matter, I thought you left the files in the overrides folder.

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

No I didn't leave the grass cache in the overwrite folder. I right clicked Overwrite in the bottom left pane of MO2 and then clicked Create mod... and named it NGIO cache as you mentioned trying

Create mod

The instructions said;

  1. After you have waited, you should get a pop up message that says, Grass Caching complete, at which point you can copy the \Grass\ folder from Overwrites into a new mod in MO2.


0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

I just started TexGen, notice HD Grass isn't grayed out but Grass is, TexGen recognizes the grass cache, that I just created and named NGIO cache.



SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

I figured that after your response, sorry for the misunderstanding. If the grass cache was recognized as being in the folder, grass wouldn't be greyed out. HD grass is always available.

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

Oh my bad, HD Grass is because I'm using Complex Grass...

If you don't use Complex Grass then you get Grass instead of HD.

SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

Oh ok, check if the cache actually loads in game when you get chance if does load, I know what the issue is.

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

Here's my DynDOLOD_SSE.ini showing I'm using cgid.


I just started DynDOLOD and the grass section is not grayed out and active, showing that DynDOLOD recognizes the grass cache.


I'll be back when DynDOLOD is done, it takes like 50mins LOL.


0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

What the heck, now it's working! It doesn't like being called grass cache? LOL

So what could be the issue before?

SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

I figured the issue might be the way I check the folder for .cgid files because if it shows up in other tools and in game than its what I am doing. I don't know why the name would be an issue but the way MO2 does things, things can get weird.

SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

Since this issue was fixed, I'm going to close it out.

0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

Ok, but I am going to name it as grass cache again, and if it does the same thing I will report back and hopefully you can figure it out.


0pLuS0 commented 2 months ago

Odd, I've been making it Grass Cache and it's working... hmm