SaneEngineer / No-Grass-In-Objects-NG

NGIO ported to AE
MIT License
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Grass doesn't render when Extend-grass-distance=true in some areas. #30

Closed cyberrumor closed 2 months ago

cyberrumor commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug When using Extend-grass-distance=false, grass correctly renders in all areas. When using Extend-grass-distance=true, grass renders in some areas (like outside of Whiterun) but not in others (like outside of Riften).

Screenshots Screenshots are taken with the ini uploaded below, and the only change is whether Extend-grass-distance is true or false.

Extend-grass-distance = true, grass does not render in Riften outskirts: screenshot_028

Extend-grass-distance = false, grass correctly renders in Riften outskirts: screenshot_027

Caching No issues with caching, I have the expected grass cache files in Data/grass/. PrecacheGrass.txt was created with the 'touch' command, if that matters. This issue has been reproducible for me whether the cache is generated with vanilla grass or Folkvangr, as well as either generating a cache for only Tamriel or all worldspaces. The grass cache was generated using Extend-grass-distance=false, iirc.

Config Please upload your GrassControl.ini.txt. Note that my actual file extension is .ini not .ini.txt, just added .txt to get around github's file type filters.

Log Please upload your NGIO.log here or link from pastebin skse64.log pastebin

Additional context

I concede I am running this on Linux through Proton Experimental. A fast way to reproduce is: after generating a proper grass cache type coc riftenstables from the main menu, then exit the stables and observe presence/absence of grass. You can also use coc whiterunstables then exit the stables for Whiterun. Strangely, the grass does not appear to be negatively impacted by changes to this setting when outside of Whiterun (it renders outside of Whiterun regardless of true/false). It is possible that the outskirts of Riften are not the only impacted area, though.

Great work btw, thanks so much for bringing this mod to SKSE. I never did have luck with the original mod with all the downgrade patching and weird dependencies.

Zanderat commented 2 months ago

I can confirm about lack of grass in Riften. Seems like it should be there.

Only-pregenerate-world-spaces = "3DNPCGabaniasWorld;AlftandWorld;Blackreach;BlindCliffCaveWorld;BloatedMansGrottoWorld;BluePalaceWingWorld;BrinewaterGrottoWorld;BSKHyorkerIsle;DarkwaterWorld;DeepwoodRedoubtWorld;DLC01Boneyard;DLC01FalmerValley;DLC01SoulCairn;DLC1AncestorsGladeWorld;DLC1DarkfallPassageWorld;DLC1ForebearsHoldout;DLC1HunterHQWorld;DLC1VampireCastleCourtyard;DLC2SolstheimWorld;EastEmpireWarehouse;ECSSShiveringIsles;ECSSzDummyMarkerWorld;EldergleamSanctuaryWorld;elf0coracaodaguardiaworld;elf0partycampdestinyoflove;elf0partycampworld;elf0partycampworldtent;EUMonsterCaveWorld;FallowstoneCaveWorldEnd;FallowstoneCaveWorldStart;FrostmereCryptWorld;JaphetsFollyWorld;KarthspireRedoubtWorld;KatariahWorld;LabyrinthianWorld03;LabyrinthianWorld04;MarkarthWorld;MossMotherCavernWorld;RedEagleRedoubtWorld;RiftenWorld;ShadowgreenCavernWorld;SkuldafnWorld;SolitudeWorld;Sovngarde;Tamriel;WhiterunDragonsreachWorld;WhiterunWorld;WindhelmPitWorldspace;WindhelmWorld;zAoMWitchWorld;zBMLamaeWorld;zCHOldForestWorld;zCHTrueEndWorld;zCOBruiantWorld"

SaneEngineer commented 2 months ago

Should be fixed with 1.0.13

cyberrumor commented 2 months ago

Just ran a quick test, appears to be fixed. Thanks a bunch!

Zanderat commented 2 months ago

Yes. Grass is back using the Riften Stables test. Thanks!